Example sentences of "that it can [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I can not believe that it can be right that this late in the game Poetry is still a closed book .
2 We would take some convincing that it can be right to depart from it by punishing more harshly than an offender ‘ deserves ’ on a standard tariff , for example by sentencing an offender to an exceptionally long custodial sentence for purposes of reform or incapacitation .
3 Nor does it take account of the fact that it can be consistent with the status of agency for an intermediary to be empowered to retain the proceeds of sale above a specified price .
4 When we examine prophecy in the Bible we soon conclude that it can be predictive ( telling about the future ) or proclamatory ( telling about God ) or both .
5 It is now being recognised that it can be appropriate to use musical settings of the ‘ traditional ’ words in the ‘ new ’ services .
6 That it can be great fun . ’
7 This cutting blade has to be kept sharp to perform its job properly without undue pressure in the hand , and is therefore made from a very hard steel — so hard in fact , that it can be brittle when subjected to a common form of misuse : the correct action with all secateurs is a firm steady squeeze , with no wrenching and definitely no twisting , which can cause the blades to break .
8 Tastes range wider these days , and there 's so much music available that it can be confusing .
9 I have gone into such detail about individual patients to try to convince you first , that it can be misleading to categorize patients too narrowly into groups , and second , that the dual-route model I described can accommodate a wide variety of data from different individual cases .
10 We also noted , in chapter 3 , that it can be misleading to apply the norms of mainstream and centralized varieties to the description of divergent language states .
11 Opponents to the technique claim that it can be dangerous , and poultry industry representatives are themselves cautious of adopting it .
12 Of the various bridges considered so far , only the Hay bridge mentioned in section 7.4 features balance conditions that exhibit an explicit dependence on frequency so that it can be used to measure the frequency of the source in terms of appropriate components .
13 It is only by making property sacred , guarded by the fiery sword of divine justice that it can be safe from the dangers to which it is everywhere and always exposed .
14 Griffin replies to such scepticism rather lamely : ‘ Allowing that an animal can be aware of outside events but denying that it can be self-aware becomes somewhat ridiculous — can the animal be aware of other creatures but not of itself ? ( 1984 : 205 ) .
15 Whether you will be able to do the job in a vacant spot in the vegetable plot , at the back of a border or wherever , a suitable area has to be earmarked and reserved so that it can be empty and vacant from the second half of September on .
16 In fact , in extreme cases the water loss can be so great that it can be confused with a leaking pond .
17 The drawbacks of this style used alone are that it can be slow and you have less control over your objective .
18 The great thing about drilling is that it can be fun , but remember not to spend too much time on one particular drill , since boredom can easily set in and have a disruptive influence .
19 What we 're hoping to do in this exhibition is to make people realize that science and technology is not as difficult as some people would have you believe , and that it can be fun .
20 You might find , like her , that it can be difficult to divide up salt reduction into many small steps .
21 Thus , organisations are open systems , and transactions across the organisational boundary take place continuously , so much so that it can be difficult in practice to define exactly where an organisation stops and its environment begins .
22 It is however appreciated that it can be difficult to obtain a Police report in some foreign countries .
23 Communication is so complex an interaction of mind , language , and the physical world that it can be disconcerting to try to deal with it all at once .
24 This new album , in particular , is so imbued with the loss of an ebbing innocence that it can be hard to believe they were written by another person .
25 There are more than 600 varieties of mint which interbreed so readily that it can be hard to tell them apart .
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