Example sentences of "that it [vb -s] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our eyes lit up on reading in the Wall Street Journal that the Deutsche Bundespost Telekom has said that it plans to respond to foreign competition by rebalancing its telephone call charges to make long distance calls cheaper and local calls more expensive , but it was a false alarm and you can all go back to sleep again : the piece goes on to quote an official saying that no decision about a rate structure had been made and that any change wo n't occur before 1995 at the earliest .
2 Microsoft will stop short of bundling the Sybase SQL Server that it plans to offer with Windows NT , but the two firms are working on a System 10-derived add-on package , with new tools , to appear in the third quarter , which will scale to personal computers , minicomputers and mainframes .
3 Cyrix has a microprocessor code named Spike under design that it hopes to drive through the heart of Intel Corp 's Pentium .
4 Perhaps western Governments should take a lead from the United States of America , which terminated its aid programme to Pakistan on the ground that it refuses to desist from non-civilian nuclear development .
5 Such missionary zeal does not , however , pause to question the validity of those middle-class standards that it seeks to impose upon the poor .
6 The cable is well defined within an hour after wounding ( Fig. 4 a-c ) , and other studies ( K. Midwinter , J. McCluskey , P. M. and J. L. , manuscript in preparation ) show that it begins to form within minutes ; it then persists until the wound is closed .
7 Although the tone of the narrative seems neutral , empty of feeling , the minute observation of the way A … positions the chairs gradually fills it up , so that it begins to pulsate with energy from a subject that is never once mentioned .
8 The only way in which to reverse this situation and become slim again is to supply the body with fewer calories than it needs for its daily energy requirements , so that it has to draw on the emergency store of calories in its own fat .
9 The problem with New Right Conservatism is that it has to claim to be reducing the influence of the State in the field of welfare , health , income support and education , but has to maintain the strong State in the arena of law and order .
10 I am looking at a photograph of an adult dunnock , so small in comparison to its monstrous foster-child that it has to perch on its back in order to feed it .
11 If it means that it has to go on the other side of the road , could we please have that .
12 Since then the firm has managed to bring the amount of zinc in the effluent down to about 20 p.p.m. , but the agency has made it clear that it has to go below that .
13 If she then requires your help or whatever then that it has to go from there .
14 7.1 Once it is acknowledged that it has to respond to the problem of its employees experiencing violence and aggressive behaviour in the course of their work , it is of vital importance to initiate a formal reporting process .
15 It is possible that it has to do with cannibalism .
16 Almost everyone in England and Wales is aware that the penal system is in ‘ crisis ’ , even people who have little idea of what ‘ the penal system ’ is , except that it has to do with prisons and punishment .
17 Either its organisation is in so parlous a condition that it has to rely on active service units of such incompetence that they can not place bombs and give effective warnings .
18 But these days , with space at a premium , a room kept solely for dining is rare ; the chances are that it has to double as a work room , say for hobbies like model making , or as a quiet place where the family can get on with homework , studying or other paperwork .
19 But it points out that it has to depend on donations for its work ; and like the organisations rescuing the refugees , it is running out of money .
20 Yes , I think I agree with everything that Elizabeth said , and I think this is why erm one of the things I very much feel is that it has to start with the schools , as well as at home , of course , when children are young .
21 Using a more powerful cocktail of bio-tech moisturisers , Vitamins A and E together with deHydrocholesterol , Time-Complex aims to ‘ re-programme ’ the skin so that it starts to behave with youthful efficiency .
22 A first step in the process is to examine the gap between what the company income is likely to be from the products now in production and the income that it wishes to have over the next planning period .
23 According to the judge , the ‘ decency clause ’ another compromise with Congressmen who threatened to dissolve the NEA was so vaguely worded that it tends to impinge on the First Amendment 's guaranteed right to freedom of speech .
24 As I said before , the risk of collective action of this sort , which is regretted by many teachers ( as reflected in the rise and fall of the memberships of the different unions over the last few years ) , is that it tends to reduce to the lowest common denominators of more pay on the one hand and a narrow-minded , knee-jerk resistance to change on the other .
25 That this unit is relatively ‘ shallow ’ genealogically speaking , i.e. that it tends to consist of two generations only and that for many couples the main tie of commitment and responsibility is the conjugal one .
26 NEC Corp warns that it expects to plunge to a consolidated loss of $364m for the fiscal year to the end of this month , as slumps in the domestic chip and computer markets turn out even worse than feared .
27 One of the major arguments against the approach is that it attempts to deal with curriculum problems involving value issues in a procedural way , i.e. by applying a suitable formula or technique .
28 The problem with the political-business cycle literature lies in the fact that it attempts to deal with the popularity of governments and the nature of public policy-making solely on the basis of a consideration of economic variables alone and so isolates the economic dimension out of the larger political context and ignores the vital part played by non-economic factors in contributing to electoral success .
29 Westinghouse Electric Corp , Pittsburgh has asked 15 cellular and wireless companies for proposals to build a nationwide wireless data network , the Wall Street Journal reported : the company 's idea is to spur the wireless carriers , individually or as part of a consortium , to develop a network that would make it easier and cheaper for users of laptop and palm-top computers and other devices to send and receive information over the air — and in return , Westinghouse promised to buy a substantial amount of transmission capacity for turn-key communications services that it wants to offer over such a network for various types of companies , such as those that manage large fleets of vehicles and security concerns doing remote monitoring — ‘ We 're trying to get a national packet data network that covers , at a minimum , the 30 largest metropolitan areas , ’ the company declared .
30 The attractiveness of the cultural explanation of religion is that it appears to account for the diversity in religious practices and beliefs without the necessity to get involved in controversy .
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