Example sentences of "that it [is] [adj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 They do n't just prove that it 's dangerous to fly , ski , skateboard or dress up as a Mutant Hero Ninja Turtle and try to act tough on the Northern Line late on a Saturday night .
2 They say that it 's easy to denigrate but when you hate as much as JOHN BITUMEN the problem is one of selection .
3 ‘ That form of music definitely works best when it is kept simple , which does n't , of course , mean that it 's easy to do ; being inventive within a restricted format is one of the hardest things to do .
4 What The Mock Turtles do is so embarrassingly simple that it 's easy to trip yourself up describing it — they make pop records , in the same way that The Beatles , The Byrds , The Kinds and Syd 's Pink Floyd made pop records ; with the guitars well upstage and choruses forged in heaven .
5 ‘ Handiman made everyone think about the handicapped person in their family that it 's easy to deny , ’ says Damon , who may have found the character 's roots in his own childhood club foot .
6 It may not seem as hard nowadays , because people know that it 's easy to get out of .
7 The Ober Gabelhorn-Wellenkuppe traverse , the most frequented route up the mountain , is a very traditional climb , the kind of route that it 's easy to imagine Victorians accompanied by their Swiss guides tackling : balancing along the snow arête , confronting the Grand Gendarme and cutting steps up the steep summit ridge .
8 All types of sailing boats as well , I know that it 's easy to think of that we 're only dealing in optimists and toppers er but all types of sailing boats and all abilities , both disabled , youngsters and all types of organizations .
9 He compares war in modern circumstances with a plague , and tries to make us see that we have exactly the same universal common interest in transcending military conflict that we have in getting plague under control , and that it 's necessary to use all our intelligence and imagination to break the millennial connection of intersocial change with war , and then he goes on to make practical proposals .
10 Write the word " client " in the margin against any information that it 's necessary to impart ( and your client should be kept fully informed on every matter that might be of material interest ) , ticking this , as already mentioned , when you " ve done so .
11 This is a city without a lot of parks in its centre only the Castle and er not a lot of trees not mature trees so er er I need to know that it 's necessary to move these trees .
12 I need to know that it 's necessary to remove all those trees I 've been told all sorts of things like they 're in pots and they 'll become pot bound they 're growing outwards they might fall down they might fracture mains they block off the er view of the church well I think they 're a nice asset in the city centre .
13 On the subject of using the past , making references , it 's just that it 's impossible to evade the past , it 's here , it 's being thrown at you , and you have to deal with it .
14 For the loyalists the purpose is to remain part of the U K and those two are so far apart , those two positions , that it 's impossible to see a bridge between them and that 's the difficulty .
15 I rather suspect that it 's inherent in the very human situation that it 's impossible to give a final and satisfactory account of the relation between the individuality of the individual 's experience and the world .
16 Erm , by hangers-on I mean that there are all the Dukes and the Viscounts and whatever else there is and that whole strata in society , which , I think is English society , erm I mean I know that there are Dukes in Scotland but there are n't so many , and I mean they own quite a lot and I think that it 's impossible to have a classless society because the monarchy perpetuate class divisions .
17 And we need to say that you know I do n't think that it 's criminal to have a gallery but it 's criminal to waste the space some of the time .
18 A seasoned view of Howard 's Way or a Cowes spectator may always have nurtured the dream of sailing a dinghy or crewing a yacht , but any old sea salt worth their grinder will tell you that it 's essential to learn the ropes first from a qualified sailing instructor .
19 You see , all the things which at the moment seem strange to you about it become every day normality after a bit , so that it 's untrue to give you an answer in terms of the lack of space or the lack of change or the lack of food or any of the other things which make this so different from ordinary life . ’
20 However , I agree that it 's unreasonable to expect people to pay good money for a forecast that is no longer relevant and we shall look at ways of eliminating this problem .
21 If you are trying to sell programmes , there is no doubt that it 's useful to have somewhere to screen excerpts at least .
22 Most of us would agree that it 's useful to stay calm and think ahead , but few of us are as well organised as Caroline Lamb , who makes a point of taking her seven-week-old baby , Ben , out every day to visit friends , the clinic or shops .
23 I mean people do n't always agree on what evidence means ; they do n't always agree on what is the best thing to do , erm and I 've developed the idea that it 's possible to do an evaluation that I like to call divergent in the sense that there might be several different things that one might do as a result of it .
24 But the good news is , that it 's possible to arrange insurance which can provide cash to help you avoid these problems .
25 Some people do n't believe that it 's possible to tan in any other way , but provided you are sensible and use quality sunscreens , you can go brown more safely .
26 Do n't forget that it 's possible to start breastfeeding again after a pause if you want to .
27 What saves computing from being as big a social embarrassment as accountancy , tax inspecting and supporting Manchester United is the fact that it 's possible to make contact with other Leeds fans at home and abroad by means of the vast electronic networks which interconnect thousands of computers right round the world .
28 The Last Honeymoon by Shelley Weiner Constable , £13.99 SET IN the uncompromisingly suburban surroundings of Golders Green , Shelley Weiner 's new novel proves that it 's possible to satirise Jewish family life with a touch more subtlety than the British Telecom commercials .
29 ‘ My grandmama says , ’ remarked Emily , ‘ that it 's unlucky to use sage when it 's blooming .
30 With so many shades of grey to choose from , how can you be so sure that it 's right to see so much in your life in terms of black and white ?
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