Example sentences of "that it [is] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 And if I 'm right in my guess that it 's the latter — that you rule your nightclub kingdom with scant regard for the welfare and well-being of the poor fools who worship at your altar , then beware .
2 From which I deduce that it 's the same old scenario , do n't you ? ’
3 ‘ The second reason why this is a good target is that it 's the same size as the vital part of the aeroplane . ’
4 Erm , to the kind of soul that I have right now erm , drag that out of my body erm , make sure that it 's the same soul that I started with , drop it into some other body and you 'll still be able to tell the story that I , still me , am now in a different body .
5 This is erm just to demonstrate that it 's the same contract across all of our six companies .
6 Well no not that it 's the same !
7 but as far as the search thing and stuff like that it 's the same engineers we buy it from Bensons
8 Several groups claim to exert their influence , but insist that it is no more than that .
9 India supports the Kabul government , much to the annoyance of Pakistan and most western countries ; but while allowing for the mischievous nature of Mr Gandhi 's remark , they suspect that it is no more than the truth .
10 The important fact about a field survey is that it is a once-and-for-all operation which can not be repeated .
11 The distinction between the responsibility of the Home Office for the criminal law , and the Lord Chancellor 's Department for the civil law , has been preserved , but its significance has been lessened by the gloss that it is the latter which exercises control over all court administration for criminal as well as civil cases .
12 Erm , well I think I can reassure that it is the latter .
13 The spray from the falls is so dense that you can not peer into it and you must rely on logic to believe that it is the same water that makes the river that snakes along the gorge a few hundred metres away .
14 If we are referring to a mass of matter we can say that it is the same so long as it consists of the same particles , whereas if we are referring to a living body this need not be so : ‘ a colt grown up to a horse , sometimes fat , sometimes lean , is all the while the same horse : though … there may be a manifest change of the parts . ’
15 The fact that it is the same organisation does not mean it can fulfil Mr Reagan 's technically impossible goal .
16 The seventh-century chronicler Fredegar thought that they were given lands by the Gallo-Roman aristocracy , who thereby gained tax exemption in the days of Valentinian I. It may be that this information actually relates to the reign of Valentinian III , and therefore that it is the same as the grant of Sapaudia , but this is by no means certain .
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