Example sentences of "that it [modal v] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 I feel sort of fixed that it would be the best thing … you know it would . ’
2 He had not realized that it would be the sort of modern play where people strip off and simulate the beginnings of a sexual encounter .
3 Although which river had been kept secret from Trent , he was certain that it would be the north fork of the Belpan where a bend would hide them from the road bridge .
4 We hope to hear favourably and further of the projected enterprise , feeling sure that it would be the means of attracting still more desirable visitors to Henley . ’
5 It is a question of fact in every case whether the number of people affected will constitute ‘ a class of Her Majesty 's subjects ’ , but Lord Denning provides some guidance , saying ‘ A public nuisance is a nuisance which is so widespread in range and so indiscriminate in its effect that it would not be reasonable to expect one person to take proceedings on his own responsibility to put a stop to it , but that it would be the responsibility of the community at large ’ .
6 Margaret Thatcher once pleaded that it would be the ‘ cruellest thing ’ for her colleagues to unseat her after she had obtained for them more than a decade in power .
7 All recognised , however , that it would be the groundswell against terrorism and crime which would give the new body its momentum .
8 All we can say with certainty is that it would be the biggest man-made explosion in history , which does n't sound so bad when you say it quickly as I 'm saying it now .
9 With a chilling prophecy he then stated that it would be the task of a great leader , Hitler for preference , to march into Russia in the next five years and place one half of the population in the lethal chamber and the other half in the zoo .
10 The airline had opened the route on the basis that it would be the first of many , but the British Government had failed to grant any more licenses .
11 He could not find any and he realised that it would be the voice of Dame Melba which rang out in the backstreets as he advertised the fact that he had a gramophone for sale .
12 What makes the deviant interpretation incorrect is that it would be the only one in step , for in this case correctness just is being in step with the others .
13 Mr. Philipson addressed an impassioned argument that it would be quite wrong for the court to vary the injunction at the behest of the defendants , seeing that they had flouted Morland J. 's order , as a result of which the documents had come into the hands of the Federal Reserve Board , who had in turn passed the information to the Bank of England ; and that it would be the antithesis of justice that the consequence of this misconduct should be the discharge of the very injunction which had been designed to protect the plaintiffs from these consequences .
14 ‘ I 'm going to open the door , ’ said Sam , striding forward , since her hope that it would be the boy from the bistro was greater than her fear of retribution .
15 In fact , what the Minister said was that it would be the general policy under the disposal programme .
16 Worse still , she had seen almost immediately that it would be the easiest thing in the world to listen for information .
17 I know that it would be the wish of my constituents that I should convey heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved and the injured in their grief and agony .
18 Albania on Aug. 16 announced that it would be the 141st signatory country to the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty [ see pp. 22787-90 ] .
19 Peter , North Yorkshire , I hope Mr is not suggesting that it would be the intention of the County or the District pursuing the new settlement to er include within it er polluting industry .
20 Erm and and er of course , did make a very clear statement that it would be the leader .
21 He was still holding her arm , and she was very aware that it would be the easiest thing in the world to embrace him again , while he was still looking so handsome .
22 Had she thought , though , that it would be the man she was there to meet , then Fabia would have been disappointed .
23 Allegedly Pierremont originally named Pierpont which translates as ‘ the house on the hill overlooking the Cocker Beck ’ was built in the 1830s by John Botcherby who swore that it would be the grandest villa in town and that the Peases would never own it .
24 But he warned that buyers ' foreign-exchange hedging operations meant that it would be the fourth quarter of 1992 before the full impact came through in orders and deliveries .
25 Brutus says that it would be the public who would see the effects of this sudden change of personality .
26 Surely the whole hope and yearnings of humanity is that its religion shall be a bastion against such things being allowed to happen on earth , not that it shall be the very instrument used to bring them about .
27 The church had been carefully laid out and constructed , but the basic unit of measurement had eluded us until December 1982 , when Michael Vickers of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford , a former member of the excavation-team , suggested that it might be the cubit , and , specifically , the long cubit .
28 Having doubts about this picture 's authenticity and surmising that it might be the same picture he had seen several years before , he again sought my opinion on the basis of a good photograph .
29 No group claimed responsibility for the attack , but there was speculation that it might be the work either of a " freelance " splinter group in the Medellín drug cartel , or of the rival Cali drug cartel , since the Medellín cartel leaders themselves , and many of their followers , were loyal bullfight fans .
30 THE SALVATION Army was warned that it might be the victim of an elaborate fraud weeks before the charity revealed in February that it had been defrauded of £6.2 million .
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