Example sentences of "that it [modal v] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 The monitor stated that it would leave at approximately 1915 .
2 Always during this period the same paper was used , although a rumour that it would change at the next sitting was constantly promulgated by dealers who had once cheated , to discourage others from doing likewise .
3 Friends of the Earth claim that it would devastate at least 16 sites of special scientific interest , including the Chippenham Fen National Nature Reserve in Cambridgeshire and Pocklington Canal in Humberside .
4 It was recognized by all concerned that it would take at least three and more likely five years for any of the Brabazon types to come into production , so work also proceeded on interim types that could hold the gap until the newer types were in service .
5 Frank Rubino , Noriega 's chief defence lawyer , described himself as " shocked " by the judge 's suggestion , having previously estimated that it would take at least nine months before the case would be ready for trial .
6 Initial estimates that it would take at least two years to extinguish all the fires proved pessimistic as the teams rapidly gained experience in the task .
7 Initial estimates that it would take at least two years to kill all the fires proved pessimistic as the teams rapidly gained experience in the task .
8 Having decided that it would take at least a month for Praia do Carvoeiro to be slotted into Vitor 's hectic schedule again , Ashley was surprised when the black BMW drew up outside her house a couple of weeks later .
9 The project has now been cancelled , despite continuing support from local politicians , due both to lack of funds and studies which showed that it would operate at only 25 per cent of capacity in winter , when electricity demand is highest .
10 So the Government supports Percent for Art and I would have hoped that it would have at least done a little bit of er work little bit of homework and I would have hoped that those members that went to the Percent for Art seminar would have stood up and said something positive about what it 's about .
11 The , we did er our baths were dating from the nineteen fourteen period and they were getting rather old the , the , the boiler was n't too good and we were afraid that it might burst at some time .
12 The age of consent was considered by the Policy Advisory Committee which recommended that it should remain at 16 .
13 If the project appraisal is flawed , or if the project only marginally exceeds the minimum rate of return specified by the organization , it is better that it should fail at the approval stage than be implemented with the risk of subsequent failure .
14 Mr. Wakeham : I agree with my Hon. Friend that most of his suggestions will form part of the solution though I think that the House would be reluctant to depart from the view that it should rise at 2.30 on Fridays .
15 Their relationship was n't built on solid foundations , so it was hardly surprising , was it , that it should collapse at the first sign of trouble ?
16 We can not say what the scope of such a review should be in respect of the machinery 's wider preoccupations , but we think that it should look at two aspects in particular .
17 The government has to get money from somewhere , and it is logical that it should look at the whole area of VAT .
18 The most cautious believe that it will stabilise at between 0.5 and one per cent of the total beer market and even the most bullish say that it will take more than five years to reach four per cent .
19 Lucas Industries announced that it will make at least 4,000 job cuts as part of a three-year restructuring programme .
20 Meanwhile , Apple is predicting that it will have at least 70% of Macintosh applications recoded in time for the first batch of volume PowerPCs to hit the streets in 1993 , using AT&T Bell Laboratories spin-off , the Holmdel , New Jersey-based Echo Logic Inc , to do the recompiling .
21 But observers reckon that it will take at least three years to resolve the situation and by then BS could be virtually bust .
22 Houghton says that it will take at least 15 years to determine the impact of human activity on global warming , the time necessary to allow for an observation network covering land , sea and atmosphere to be set up .
23 I hope , therefore , that it will look at the opportunities for expanding the scheme .
24 P&P Plc has quickly found a buyer for its volume computer distribution business which should mean that it can reverse at least a part of the £8.9m provision it took against its most recent figures to cover costs of closure if a buyer could not be found .
25 Its adaptability means that it can survive at high altitudes , in semi-arid areas , and in rocky areas as well as in forests .
26 Upon reviewing all the comment 's replies to A , it concludes that it can get at least 10 ( hypothetical ) ‘ points ’ with A .
27 Despite the fact that it can seem at times as if half the figures on the red benches are comatose — a chastened Lady ( Barbara ) Wootton concluded after eight years in the place that at any one time about ten per cent of the participants in a debate were fast asleep — the quality of argument can be incomparably higher than in the House of Commons , and the pool of expertise available from the ennobled professors , judges , generals and bureaucrats makes for more informed contributions .
28 This would still leave the vaults of the Prado in Madrid with approximately five times the number of paintings that it can display at any one time .
29 Oil fire specialists , including the Texan Red Adair 's company , warned that it could take at least two years for the fires to be put out .
30 She says that it could take at least ten years and cost a considerable amount of cash .
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