Example sentences of "that have [vb pp] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Lawless prefers to concentrate on further shaping Mason 's career , encouraged by his quick-witted responses to tuition and the enthusiasm that has developed from greater recognition .
2 Through subsidies the state has established a vast ‘ social salary ’ to make life easier for workers and it takes a pride in the extensiveness of the welfare system that has developed from this .
3 The new feature that has emerged from this study of the parallelistic couplet is not so much the identification of a particular relationship of the lines of the couplet ( greater precision ) as a movement towards a statement of relationships within the poetic couplet .
4 Yet her range of interests , in a field that has moved from comparative policy neglect to the very centre of the community care reforms , has been wider than almost all the others .
5 The managers are part of a growing army of health service administrators that has expanded from 700 to 13,200 in the past five years .
6 The UK division of FoE produces the Good Wood Guide , a simple run down of tropical hardwood products and their alternatives for consumers and manufacturers alike , so that all interested parties can be sure of buying hardwood that has come from sustainable sources .
7 For many of the committed , for many of the organizers , the issue was n't peace , it was war : victorious war for Vietnam 's National Liberation Front , and class war on the bourgeoisie — a word that had faded from much of the left in the long years of ‘ The British road to socialism ’ .
8 This patient also had a serum gastrin concentration that had increased from 710 to 1550 pmol/l .
9 Cow-Keeping in India , " she read from the spine of a volume that had suffered from damp .
10 They were all the thwarted ambitions , evil intentions , bitter memories , crushed hopes and suppressed lusts that had emanated from human hearts since life began , and which now invisibly thronged the air .
11 The tyres squealed as they braked , the concrete smooth as skin and slick with fluids that had bled from other cars .
12 Formulation of Labour Government policies to support the Third Pillar — the projection and protection of British interests overseas — needed least reorientation of traditional British military thinking that had evolved from three centuries of global geo-political experience .
13 As well as reporting policy requirements to advice workers , the manager must pass back to the area office any new training needs that have emerged from basic advice work .
14 Insurance companies are warning that premiums on property in areas that have suffered from severe storms in recent years are rising because of global warming fears .
15 In addition to the Pahlavi rugs , Persia produces workshop items in styles that have evolved from those made during the Qajar dynasty ( which ended in the 19th century ) , and there are also numerous village and nomadic groups who , allowing for some minor modifications to the market , still make rugs that have hardly changed for generations .
16 Once the catalogue is written , the specialist calculates the quantities of each type of pottery that have come from each layer and makes observations about the significance of the groups of pottery .
17 Their outward appearance gives no hint as to the wealth of amazing finds that have come from local beaches in the past .
18 For example , Gage ( 1989 ) has discussed some of the medical applications that have resulted from this type of work , notably the production of interferon which is a potential anti-viral and anti-cancer agent that until recently was only available in very small quantities by extracting it directly from human cells .
19 Also it has been the larger institutions that have benefited from low dealing commissions since the ‘ big bang ’ in October 1987 .
20 One possibility that 's emerged from that research , is that mercury vapour from gold burning may be combining with the ash and the other products of combustion the forest , to produce an even more toxic ingredient in a lethal brew .
21 Alright , risk and uncertainty is something that 's excluded from most economic models .
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