Example sentences of "that in [art] [noun] they " in BNC.

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1 Since I accept his primary submission I do not find it necessary to consider his other options , but I observe that in every case they would involve the court in a far more creative exercise in framing the law , which I doubt we would be entitled to undertake , than by holding as I would do that a corporate public authority has no right to sue for the tort of defamation and is to be left , if necessary , to such other rights as it may have , in particular the right to sue for malicious falsehood .
2 Shakespeare 's plays are so rich that in every age they can produce fresh meanings and even those who deny his universality agree on his cultural importance .
3 Shakespeare 's plays are so rich that in every age they can produce fresh meanings and even those who deny his universality agree on his cultural importance .
4 Many have been taught that in a relationship they have no right to make demands on a partner ; to say clearly what they want may lose his affection .
5 Yet investors were so shocked that in a day they knocked $13.4 billion off the value of the company .
6 Tolkien , of course , being a Christian , did in absolute fact believe that in the end all things would end happily , that in a sense they already had — a belief he shared with Dante , and a matter of faith beyond argument .
7 What was worse for Scotland was the knowledge that in the test they would also be facing Eales and McCall at the line-out plus Lynagh , Horan and Campese in the backs .
8 At this point you say that in the night they all wanted to have a party so they got up .
9 612 where it was held that a defendant had been validly committed for trial by justices notwithstanding that they had previously embarked on a summary trial but decided before the summary trial was concluded that in the circumstances they should not deal with the case and should commit the defendant for trial .
10 Hrdlicka sums up the value of the longbones in sexing by saying that in the male they are longer , heavier and have larger attachment areas for muscles , ( including the linea aspera , crests , tuberosities and impressions ) ( Stewart , 1947 ) .
11 The old joke is that in the army they once had the message ‘ Send reinforcements we 're going to advance ’ but it became ‘ Send three and fourpence we 're going to a dance . ’
12 This does not mean , however , that in the way they run themselves Japanese firms are going to become like American and British ones .
13 And in m in many cases the most cost-effective procedure will be for the lad on site , the R E or the assistant R E to measure , and provide the measure to the Q Ss who will put that forward and process that in the way they do now and send out a certificate .
14 And to think that in the West they merely call it the Wall .
15 Zuwaya claimed that in the past they had recognized no internal sovereign , and in this matter they seem to have been right .
16 Zuwaya said that in the past they achieved justice by threat and compensation , by massing lineages to menace vengeance .
17 But he fell in with Southey 's plans , none the less , and agreed that in the meantime they must live frugally in Bristol and earn money .
18 They had tried to head these off , but because they could slip into the lanes and wynds of the town , this had proved difficult , Ramsay interrupted to demand whether one of these fugitives had been a tall man in shirt and breeches ; but they said that in the darkness they could not tell .
19 Er on the sand at Grimness Now there 's hardly any sand there then , you had difficulty finding a patch , not not like where you 've the huge area now at the Barrier And so er I I I know that in the Hope they had a bigger one , and I believe in the Wyvell area they had one as well , you see ?
20 I knew that in the main they were painted by Indian and mestizo artists at the command of the Europeans .
21 Before we romanticize the size , wealth and power of these guilds , it should be pointed out that in the main they were fairly small .
22 Schools seem less reluctant to accept that the difficulties some children experience may well point to a more general problem in school or classroom interaction ; and teachers who have been helped to respond more appropriately to those pupils whom they had found most difficult to teach , have found that in the process they were becoming better teachers to their other pupils as well , with their job satisfaction rising accordingly .
23 There was disagreement between the two companies as to whose responsibility would be the making of this towpath , so that in the end they built between them a new bridge just beyond the bottom lock .
24 But to be alone is not , in the end , to be lonely , and there are those who discover that in the end they need no one but themselves , and that solitude is more than enough .
25 The two brothers of Armagnac , count and archbishop , thought Grilly ‘ are so oppressed … that in the end they will be compelled to submit by some contrived method … and one can not believe that they can withstand these afflictions much longer .
26 We are also gravely concerned because at the Lavenham parish meeting Mr Tony Webster of Atlas Aggregates categorically refused to give an assurance that in the future they would not apply to extend the mining operation to other parts of Cross Green Farm .
27 It is possible that in the future they may begin to be stored in an electronic , rather than a paper , file .
28 I congratulate them on that and hope that in the future they will carry on that practice .
29 They show very clearly that the Government are ensuring that , while we may reduce the personnel numbers in our armed forces , we are increasing the relative proportion of funds spent on their equipment to ensure that in the future they have the equipment that they need to perform the tasks that we set them .
30 Firstly through exhibitions and our support for exhibitions organised by other organizations , and also by taking crafts into schools so that we are , if you like , exposing the younger generation to the best in the craft world , in the hope that in the future they will be the buyers of good craft work .
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