Example sentences of "that we will [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The process that we 'll go through is firstly I , now the Council 's made this decision , will speak to the three Social Services Committee spokespersons about which home looks the most logical , and obviously I know which that one is in my own mind .
2 You can either do what we 've already done or you can base it on stuff that we 'll do in the future .
3 You 've made very powerfully erm and I 'm that 's a point that we 'll take on board .
4 ‘ Obviously , as a Liverpool fan , you have to be worried but I 'm perfectly hopeful that we 'll get through this and come back as the force that we always have been . ’
5 but , but I think that we 'll get into that stage in Britain
6 We 're hoping and I 'm crossing my fingers here , that we 'll get in excess of five thousand people there and the interesting thing is we 've got a commercial exhibition at it , to give it a flavour of Scotland where people will show all the good things made in Scotland and we 're calling it the taste and touch of Scotland and hopefully that will offset the cost of all the other , other er stalls and things that we 're holding .
7 Pray that we 'll listen to you .
8 So we can estimate this model although we 've got a couple of problems that we 'll come to later on , but nevertheless it 's essentially estimatable .
9 Some examples that we 'll look at have gone beyond familiar cuckooism to fulfil the wildest fantasies that The Extended Phenotype might have inspired .
10 Because , hopefully , the product of this discussion is that we 'll look at each grant , judge it on its merits , and then come up with what we think 's the right figure .
11 It 's a case of balancing the short-term costs to the long-term benefits that we 'll see to our soil in this country .
12 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
13 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
14 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
15 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
16 We agree that we will hold in strict confidence all information obtained from [ Growing Business PLC ] and will not disclose such information to others or use such information except in connection with the performance of the services agreed in this letter .
17 What we are saying , and this is as a result of figures which are supplied by O P C S is that we are broadly saying that we will remain in this narrow band towards the end .
18 However , we now have an opportunity to show that Europe can address European problems and that we will intervene in a way that will give the people of Yugoslavia the opportunity to sit down together and find a peaceful solution to the problems .
19 I have already quoted Mrs in her statement brackets C forty eight , saying although my husband and I would like to be able to care for Anna Jane as long as possible , I accept the last six years have taken their toll on us both and in reality it 's unlikely that we will continue to be able to provide the same level of care and outside is required , unquote .
20 I think the important point I 'd like to make at the outset is that when the review of the requirement was carried out it was carried out both nationally and on a four nation basis , the ministers , once that was complete , the ministers decided that and stated publicly in December ninety two , that we will continue with the existing airframe and engine combination and that each nation er based on a family of aircraft concept could decide from a menu which equipments it would fit according to their individual requirements and their budget and we looked individually at each of the items to see what impact it would have on the operational capability if we were to remove them and what erm was decided in the end and the requirement reflects this , was signed last month by the Chief Surveyor 's staff , is that some nations have decided to remove certain items of equipment but for the U K we felt that it was necessary to keep all the major items and therefore as far as the U K is erm impact on the operational requirement is concerned , there is no significant alteration in its operational capability and therefore in overall percentage terms there is no decrease in the capability at all .
21 The director is visibly disappointed when I explain that we will start with the basics and that we will not spend the whole budget on a new x ray machine .
22 There is now every possibility that we will go to York . ’
23 And because I fear that that is the position , I can not help but feel that before long we will have yet another attempt to amend Act seventeen , nineteen sixty three and that we will go round the circuit , the same circuit once again with I fear the same result .
24 We are all in agreement that we will return to Lourdes when the opportunity presents itself , and are very grateful to the parishioners of St Bernadette 's Parish , who donated money to pay for us to go .
25 After a contrasting period ( the third , or the third and fourth sentences ) it is most likely that we will return to the original theme .
26 Admittedly including the area that we will represent after today , in rural areas in which the car is a necessity and in which the cost of petrol is alreay high , what compensatory measures are the Government prepared to support ?
27 But he told the Legislative Council : ‘ We do recognise that the current uncertain situation can not be allowed to continue for much longer and that we will need to gazette the bill if a decision on talks ca n't be reached imminently . ’
28 Lastly it is most important of all that teachers apply the process of clarification to their own values and their own vision of education , and it is to this issue that we will turn in the next chapter .
29 Earlier chapters ( see Chapter 6 especially ) have indicated how the financing of budget deficits ( or surpluses ) has implications for the size of the money supply and the level of interest rates , and it is to the relationship between these monetary variables and economic activity that we will turn in Chapter 11 .
30 ‘ I assure you that we will add to your distress as little as possible , but we shall be here from time to time and you will also be asked to make a formal statement . ’
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