Example sentences of "that she have [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Barney 's as thrilled as I am , ’ Cara replied , revealing that she had phoned him as soon as she 'd read her mail .
2 Deliberately , he refrained from remarking that she had called him by his Christian name for the first time .
3 Unaware that she had called him by name for the first time , she halted , still some feet away , gazing at him uncertainly .
4 She was determined that there would be no reconciliation , and even though she had found that the sound of his voice reminded her vividly and immediately that she had loved him and could do so again she lay smiling with pleasure at the sheer satisfaction of unforgivingness .
5 She directed her eyes to his , secretly willing him to see the truth that had nothing to do with her partner or Maria Luisa — the truth that she had loved him then and still did .
6 He was sure , too , that she had believed him and he knew that the reason for this was that the story he had concocted was so very unlikely that no liar could possibly have put his faith in it .
7 ‘ It looked all right , did it ? ’ she asked Morris again , perhaps forgetting that she had asked him once already .
8 A restless movement on his part betrayed that she had provoked him once more , but in a different fashion .
9 She wished suddenly that she had met him under different circumstances : not as Jenny 's boy friend ; not as her fellow beneficiary in Aunt Alicia 's will .
10 When Matey had returned on that fateful afternoon , Dr Neil had told her that he had proposed to McAllister , and that she had accepted him .
11 He shot a glance at Ellen , making sure that she had understood him as well as Thessy , then he looked at his watch and shouted for Bellybutton to start up one of the workboats .
12 She probably believed that she had converted him .
13 Somehow he felt that she had beaten him at his own game of keeping things on a cool level .
14 Angry that she had defied him and yet delighted at her little-girl behaviour , he reluctantly followed , then , holding her very close , walked her back up the stairs as they counted each step in unison .
15 It was a waste of time him going but he nagged so much that she had to let him go .
16 He remembered very clearly that she had made him look a fool .
17 Jodie Cooper from Australia told me that she had been out at Haleiwa when Johnny Boy got it into his head that she had robbed him of his wave .
18 Well , she had shrugged her shoulders metaphorically at that , and oh , how she wished that she had heeded him , instead of going on what she now saw clearly had been her wilful way .
19 One lady positively adored her little Chihuahua , Poco , for 15 years , but the time came when he was persistently ill and she knew that she had to save him from further suffering .
20 What was even more satisfying was knowing that she had given him that same lesson , not once but twice , this morning when she 'd stunned him by agreeing to see his grandmother on her own time , and last night , when she 'd turned away his advances , and never mind all that pretence about his not being interested .
21 But now she realized that she had seen him before .
22 Karen , very tired and possibly a little drunk , realised slowly that she had seen him deploy this technique before , at an earlier dinner in the house , and that somehow it was probably quite offensive .
23 Looking at him with cool objectivity like this , it was hard to see why he had had such a powerful and disturbing effect on her , she realised , aware once again of a strange inner certainty that she had seen him somewhere before , but unable to pin the memory down .
24 Then he smiled , and thanked her in that tearingly familiar voice , and suddenly she could hardly bear to think that she had lost him .
25 And the fact that she had sent him away before he 'd had time to betray her was cold comfort , set against the enormity of that loss .
26 Strong-willed and ambitious for her children , she did not retain the affection of her youngest child , Samuel , despite her early devotion to him , and left him in adult life with an obscure and painful sense that she had treated him cruelly .
27 There , she checked for a pulse , fearing for a moment that she had killed him .
28 She wondered whether to say that she had missed him .
29 He asked her out to lunch because he hoped that she had missed him .
30 After an apparently unbreakable silence , Julia decided that she would have to say something else and so with considerable truth , she told him that she had missed him .
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