Example sentences of "that she [vb mod] [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 She had been undaunted even when Henry said he 'd wager that she dare not stay alone in the Lodge while he and Lettice explored the woods outside .
2 The Taylors wanted to include Laura as much as possible in constituency life , primarily so that she would not miss out on time with John .
3 Yes , I could tell from Aunt Nessy 's breathing that she would not recover consciousness ; nevertheless , before I crept out I did kiss her , just in case some little part of her , still aware , should feel it .
4 Sonia Gandhi , the widow of the assassinated former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi , confirmed on Oct. 12 that she would not stand as a candidate in a by-election scheduled for Nov. 16 in her late husband 's Amethi constituency in the state of Uttar Pradesh .
5 With Aquino adamant that she would not stand for a second term , the jostling for position amongst those ambitious to succeed her intensified in late 1990 and early 1991 .
6 She was not in the least concerned at her mother 's solitary state but knew her to be so recently buffeted by events that she would not cavil at two visiting teenagers , although she had intimated to Sam that if she filled the house with them , she would kill herself .
7 It was known that Ramos had been seeking Aquino 's endorsement as her favoured successor as president , but she had stated that she would not announce her choice until 1992 .
8 The next witness was the Duchess 's cook , who spoke very angrily and said that she would not give any evidence .
9 When Her Majesty decided that she would not pay poll tax , even though it was supposed to be levied on every adult in the country , it changed people 's thinking , he says .
10 But Charlotte wrote to him , to say that she would not marry him .
11 She said that she would not appear before specially constituted courts , but was nevertheless present for a hearing before a tribunal in Karachi on Sept. 31 , which granted her exemption from future court appearances until after the elections .
12 She has always been kindness itself to me , but I have a feeling in my bones that she would not regard me as a wholly reliable supporter .
13 Perhaps to keep herself in countenance she opened her notebook although he knew that she would not refer to it .
14 ‘ She was in a coma in North Staffordsire hospital for a week and we were told that she would not walk or talk again .
15 I had been quite right in my belief that she would not relish the intervention of the Prime Minister .
16 Susan was so frightened of being alone , that she would not go to sleep , in case we left her .
17 " Non , je ne peux pas , " said Clara , realizing miserably that he did not believe that she would not go .
18 Then she thought that she would not go at all , that she would stay behind and pretend to be ill .
19 ‘ I am worried that she would not make it if she went down like that again .
20 I knew a family of five devoted daughters — all married — who took it in turns , when their father died , to stay with their widowed mother night and day , on a rota basis , for the years until she died , because they knew that she would not want to leave her own home .
21 Penny says Diana was adamant that she would not split up with Charles .
22 But for the moment she resolved that she would not think of the loathsome interview again until she was in Prague .
23 He went behind the pot house along the path he usually took with her , knowing , in a way which twisted him savagely , that she would not bother to keep their secret places private .
24 In January 1326 Isabella wrote to Bishop Stratford , now back in England , indicating that she would not return until both Despensers had been banished from court .
25 But it would mean abandoning Sycorax , and Kit Everard conjectured , rightly , that she would not do that .
26 She must persuade him of her good intentions — for it had never crossed her mind that she would not repay him — but she must also try to convince him of the seriousness of her situation and persuade him to grant her a bit of leeway .
27 About to tell him hotly that she would not accept any legacy , Jenna was interrupted sharply , the words dying on her lips as he stood and began to pace about restlessly , hands in his pockets .
28 Except that she would not survive .
29 The IDA once again flew in another independent medical expert , Dr Muriel Newhouse of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine , who assured the planning inquiry that she would not object to an asbestos dump , such as the one proposed , being sited ‘ at the bottom of her garden ’ .
30 The social worker might hold that the client 's general conduct towards him indicated that she would not object to this action ( implied consent ) ; that he carried out the act in good faith as to its consolatory and therapeutic implication ; or ( perhaps less validly ) that the relationship was sufficiently close to allow a gesture of endearment without sexual implication or threatening content .
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