Example sentences of "that she [modal v] see [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That she would come here , knowing that she would see nothing , makes me realise how infatuated she is with him . ’
2 He had said he was a very good friend of Danny , Carrie 's brother , and it was likely that she would see him sometime in the future .
3 Always optimistic , Anne felt sure that now that she would see him regularly at the dance , she would soon find out how he 268 really felt about her , but it was not to be .
4 She said that she would see herself out .
5 She walked out of the cottage where she and Pilade were lodged in charge of Mr Landor and along the road to Siena so that she might see them approach before anyone .
6 ‘ If I can signal a message there 's a wonderful chance that she 'll see it !
7 Far from being tempted to explain anything then , she was of the view that she 'd see him in hell first .
8 ‘ She — she said once that she 'd see I was all right , ’ said Meredith , reluctantly honest .
9 Where had he been all this time , that she should see him now being led prisoner into Parfois ?
10 When she has finished what she is doing for the moment , she walks on briskly , her head making little bird-like movements , so that she can see everything that she passes .
11 She is blind , so each contestant must tell her their adventures in great detail , so that she can see everything clearly in her mind 's eye .
12 Friend stood back — or rather , his pattern spun off a little way so that she could see what it was that they had built inside the black of infinity .
13 Taking out Gwendoline Bear , who went with her everywhere , she sat her in the middle of the bed so that she could see what was going on .
14 His eyes , now that she could see them clearly , abraded her flesh with a cold more searing than the icy wind blowing up from the valley this morning .
15 ‘ Oh , indeed ? ’ said Sally-Anne furiously to this supporter of wife-beaters — and if only he would move so that she could see him , and not continue to stand between herself and the light — ‘ How typically male .
16 Did he realise that she could see him ?
17 Automatically she turned so that she could see him , and knew immediately it was a fatal error .
18 Not that she could see anyone getting this man to answer any questions if he decided against it .
19 The kitchen was a huge stone cavern with an open fireplace , the size of a small room , beside which logs were piled so that she could see herself ( but certainly not Hugh ) barbecuing thick steaks on an iron grill , turning them over with tongs the size of a medieval weapon .
20 With a field of vision as limited as hers it was amazing that she could see anything at all .
21 It meant that she could see you every day , work closely with you , even travel abroad with you . ’
22 At last , turning so that she could see his face , he blurted out :
23 There was a grim edge to his mocking that drew her attention , and Folly wished that she could see his face more clearly .
24 Moving back a fraction so that she could see his expression , she continued softly , ‘ You were right , I have been very stupid . ’
25 Then he loosened his hold and tilted her back , so that she could see his outline in the half-light .
26 In the silence that followed she gradually became aware of David 's stillness ; so aware that in the end she was forced to twist her head so that she could see his face .
27 Yet she wished fervently that she could see his face , see what kind of man he was .
28 Shelley crept in further , so that she could see his face .
29 Clarissa observed dryly that she could see it was and that he 'd better go round ringing all the doorbells .
30 I spoke to her , telling her to do as we had earlier discussed and detach herself from the scene so that she could see it and tell me about it but could not feel any distress , whether mental , physical or emotional .
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