Example sentences of "that she [modal v] [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 She emphasised that she did not want to get better ; that there was no reason or motive for her to get better ; that she wished to remain in control ; that she would cure herself when she decided that it was right to do so .
2 She emphasised that she did not want to get better ; that there was no reason or motive for her to get better ; that she wished to remain in control ; that she would cure herself when she decided that it was right to do so .
3 She was deciding that she would go herself and have a secret talk with Matilda 's mother and father as soon as possible .
4 Soon the smoke began to leak through her clothes until the ensuing fog convinced me as always that she would set herself alight .
5 Diana immediately told Charles that she would make herself scarce so while he continued fishing she hid behind a tree for half an hour hoping vainly that the journalists would go away .
6 Would there ever come an occasion when she could put them on , together with the leghorn hat , or the felt , and the new shoes that she would buy herself ?
7 Now she was praying that her idea was wrong , that she would find herself looking at someone totally unfamiliar .
8 She said that she would see herself out .
9 Emecheta determined then that she would write herself out of her poverty .
10 Her virtue is so important to her that she can more easily contemplate her brother sacrificing his life to save her virginity than that she might sacrifice herself for him .
11 As she could not stop , he had arisen , telling her that she might cry herself sick , but that he was going to Mrs Inigo , a woman who was n't quite such a cold poultice .
12 By paying her 30s. a week and taking this promise from her that she will maintain herself and will not pledge his credit , he has an added safeguard to protect himself from all this worry , trouble and expense .
13 Diane scored five hits out of twenty , which was the limit that she 'd set herself because of the cost of the cartridges .
14 Hayley 's real father had turned up , demanding to take her home with him , and there were tears and tantrums from Hayley , who declared , as she frequently did , that she 'd throw herself out of the window .
15 And what was it but deception that she should present herself at Vendelin Gajdusek 's home and allow him to think she was her sister ?
16 And then I thought I would write and suggest that she should suggest herself to tea one day and not only did she have the effrontery to do so but she brought her husband .
17 She tried to shut it all out of her mind , and remember that she should consider herself lucky , for Avenue Foch would be a thousand times worse .
18 Sitting opposite her , he indicated that she should help herself .
19 The devils urged that she should kill herself and be damned with them in Hell , and it was evidently to contain her attempts at suicide that she was ‘ bound and kept with strength day and night ’ ; even then she ‘ rived the skin on her body against her heart with her nails most spitefully ’ .
20 It seems a good thing that she should occupy herself with these children next door .
21 It seemed miraculous to Kit that the old woman did not die ; that she could haul herself back to life by miracles of her own devising , or by the medicine Ariel applied .
22 She raged silently all the way back to the cottage , but it was only when the front door closed behind them that she could trust herself enough to speak .
23 The kitchen was a huge stone cavern with an open fireplace , the size of a small room , beside which logs were piled so that she could see herself ( but certainly not Hugh ) barbecuing thick steaks on an iron grill , turning them over with tongs the size of a medieval weapon .
24 ‘ Would n't you like to know how Moll Sutton made so much money that she could get herself a shop ? ’
25 In his frustration and anger , he had told her that she must give herself as well before he would take them .
26 In this new life which had been thrust upon her , she felt that she must surround herself with a little group of servants whom she knew to be loyal to her .
27 She told herself that she must confine herself to anger only , but it was easier said than done .
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