Example sentences of "that be [adv] [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 As a result , many of these houses not only lost their lived-in feel , but were also emptied of the everyday objects that are increasingly seen as essential to a proper understanding of their history and function .
2 Social order can be found in events that are generally seen as dangerous and irrational .
3 The magnificent Persian carpets in Western museums , that are generally accepted as being the epitome of oriental textile art , were not made until the early 16th century .
4 If you can do so without getting bogged down , go back and complete those questions that are nearly finished since you are likely to gain most marks in this way .
5 Students should be asked to consider particular items of costs that are traditionally classified as variable and fixed and to comment how they would expect them to behave over activity levels in reality .
6 Some perennials that are best treated as biennials , such as polyanthus , can also be sown within the next month .
7 Financial : Paying for the consequences of the addictive disease of the primary sufferer can be exceedingly expensive and families may even be much more willing to pay Court fines than to pay towards the costs of treatment — The disgrace and deprivation of prison are commonly felt to be consequences that are best avoided whereas they may in fact be the crucial turning point that bring the primary sufferer and the family member into full realisation of the seriousness of addictive disease and the need to seek recovery .
8 Radio , television and films project images of sophisticated living that are often presented as being available to all who work hard enough .
9 On the other hand there are many decisions that are never made because the decider can not figure out how to implement the decision at the very first stage .
10 Many are ‘ blatant untruths ’ that are only revealed when potential buyers visit a house .
11 She left him to prowl restlessly through the family photographs that were prominently displayed as she first took a shower then dithered over what to wear .
12 At the airport , he replied to interviewers with words that were memorably misreported as being : ‘ Crisis — what crisis ? ’
13 Of the courses that were specifically described as management training , 67% of them were carried out by libraries who expected an above average number of programmes for the coming year , who themselves comprised 27% of the sample .
14 Hands that were quickly withdrawn when the need for them was over .
15 There are , of course , countless buildings that were purposely designed as pubs , yet many more occupy buildings intended for some other , usually domestic , use .
16 Scarman identified two views that were commonly held as to the causation of the disorders .
17 This is a problem that is easily overlooked when viewing a property , and can be a genuine problem in the future .
18 It is important for the elderly to have heating in their bedroom because of the risk of hypothermia , and it is also essential to make sure that they are living in a home that is well ventilated as well as warm .
19 The communication between the members of the colony depends on a system of chemical exchange that is badly disrupted if the temperature rises too high .
20 That is to say , your study will provide you with the knowledge that is generally accepted as making up the subject .
21 As used here , it is also confined to a type of disorder that is normally described as ‘ functional ’ .
22 Norwegian Jacquard : This stitch design option will allow you to knit many different colours in a design style that is best described as based on the traditional Scandinavian type of pattern , where small designs are laid on to a multi-coloured striped background .
23 Each sufferer from addictive disease tends to have one favourite " drug of choice " that is particularly craved although some sufferers may have two or more " drugs of choice " that are equally craved .
24 Broadly speaking , it is easier to obtain funding for explanatory research that seems to provide guidance to policy-makers than for purely academic research , and for research that is statistically based than for research that is more qualitative in its approach .
25 The explanation that is usually given as to why we do n't see broken cups gathering themselves together off the floor and jumping back onto the table is that it is forbidden by the second law of thermodynamics .
26 A horse 's degree of willingness , cooperation in learning new things , agreeableness in doing what we ask of it , are most important traits in a horse 's temperament if we wish to enjoy riding it ; yet it is an aspect of the horse that is more overlooked than any other when someone is thinking of buying or breeding a horse .
27 The female , beating her wings as fast as 500 times a second creates the high-pitched hum that is so unsettling as you lie in camp trying to go to sleep without a mosquito net .
28 Similarly , few word processing packages can accurately hyphenate and justify text that is proportionally spaced as they were only ever designed to handle monospaced characters .
29 The adventures usually contain puzzles that have to be solved , cryptic advice , plays on words , red herrings , and some really useful information that is only revealed when you 've asked the computer the right question , correctly phrased .
30 Even without any extra funding , the scheme hopes to help crèches with the information and advice that is often lacking when new crèches are set up .
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