Example sentences of "that be [verb] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where possible , only buy bleaches , disinfectants and floor cleaners that are fitted with childproof caps .
2 This is the group that are dealing with passive behaviour .
3 In fact they can be seen as the difficulties that are faced with young people generally : how far should they be allowed ( encouraged ? ) to take risks and learn for themselves and how far should they be guided by those who ‘ know best ’ ?
4 Its steep sides are thronged with Goblin strongholds and its rocky slopes overlay caves and tunnels that are riddled with evil creatures .
5 That are filling with burning ashes .
6 The problems that are encountered with enumerative classification schemes can be identified as follows :
7 With leaves that are streaked with bright cream or marked in bold , gold blotches , a little goes a long way .
8 Our results show that these genes rapidly respond to exposure to retinoic acid at preheadfold stages and undergo a progressive series of changes in segmental expression that are associated with specific phenotypes in hindbrain of first branchial arch .
9 Concerning the choice between contingent benefits ( those based on a particular status , e.g. being unemployed , a single parent , disabled ) that are associated with typical welfare state provision and the apparently simple income-related means-tested benefits , there is a general point to be made .
10 Examination of factors that are associated with still birth or late fetal mortality is particularly relevant from the viewpoint of optimum conditions of childbearing .
11 Thermodynamic data indicate that single strands of DNA and RNA form single stranded helices in solution that are associated with large adverse entropy changes that can be largely attributed to the cost of ordering the phosphate backbone .
12 Instead of focusing on this interdependence , as one would expect of a truly dynamic theory , Williamson discusses the efficient resolution of contractual problems that are associated with given techniques of production .
13 It also happens to have very valuable timber , and the Chilean government is anxious to profit from the dead trees that are interspersed with living ones in the few remaining areas of forest where alerce still occurs .
14 In contrast , the dolphins that are equipped with good sets of teeth , and the porpoises , which have 13–28 pairs of spade-shaped teeth in each jaw , have a less flexible neck because their neck vertebrae are fused together .
15 Much of my activity was directed to firm advice to the Prime Minister and various other ministers to ignore scurrilous communications that were received with great frequency .
16 When we examine animals with nervous systems that were built with conditional rules for dealing with the external environment , the business of predicting how they will respond on the basis of knowing how they were made becomes impossible .
17 In other moods she would go to bed for days , and have trays sent up to her room that were laden with stingy nursery snacks of mashed fish and junket .
18 Interestingly , it does feed into some of the later ideas that were associated with computational modelling , I E using computers to recognise objects on model processes , in particular perceptual ones .
19 The national populous actually turned a blind eye to atrocities that were happening with human beings .
20 Presidents must operate in a political culture that is riddled with anti-governmental attitudes and is hostile to political leadership .
21 As he looked towards the Iconostasis , the wall that is filled with important and unique icons , he tried to re-create his grandfather 's torment , his inner pain and despair .
22 Here a great trough that is filled with Caenozoic sediments in northern Java and Sumatra ( where a sediment supply was available ) passes directly into a deep oceanic trough — the famous Flores Deep — where there was no such supply .
23 Fresh and distinctive , the short stories in this remarkable collection portray a view of society that is infused with wry fun and a sharp but sympathetic wisdom , as Maeve Kelly captures the hopes , passions and despairs of women struggling with the constraints of everyday life .
24 A house that is furnished with good quality used furniture is generally much more interesting and more tastefully decorated than when twice the money is spent on new furniture that may not be a tenth of the quality .
25 Unlike past live efforts , however , this is massively entertaining , a rare treat to eavesdrop into a world that is festooned with ugly and crazy behaviour .
26 In the case of the picture shown opposite , I found a beautiful frame , with a lovely wide gold band on the inner side of the frame that is decorated with red and green flowers and leaves .
27 Making a mirror that is decorated with pressed flowers is an ideal way of co-ordinating the decorative scheme of a room , and it would also be a perfect gift .
28 Furthermore the way one sees things , and the values one holds , are not an individualist matter , but something that is shared with other people in a society .
29 Here then is a criminal phenomenon that is associated with social disintegration — the fact that a society , the inhabitants of these areas of the great cities , who once regarded themselves as one , now no longer regard themselves as one , are not one , were one in the past but are not one now , and are still growing apart .
30 The same sort of alternative explanations can also be brought to bear on the variation in educational attainment that is associated with social class , in so far as this is attributable to educational attainment .
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