Example sentences of "that the [noun prp] [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Feeling uneasy , we turned to our Africa on a Shoestring handbook , learning that the Kalahari consists of some of the most arid and remote land in the world .
2 Since , by virtue of s.1(2) , investment business is the business of engaging in one or more of the activities constituting investment business which are not excluded activities , it is clear that the FSA removes from its grasp those activities which it classifies as ‘ excluded activities ’ .
3 Finally , the proposals would create legal problems , despite statements that the APB makes to the contrary : the courts may interpret any references to uncertainties in an audit report as a form of qualification which requires a statement by an auditor , under s 271(4) of the Companies Act 1985 , about whether the matter is material to assessing the legality of the dividend .
4 It is well known that the UKCC has to this date been a bastion of conservatism , its appointments being made through the patronage of the secretary of state or the national boards .
5 Small wonder that the Krupp works in Essen rose from seventy-two workers in 1848 to almost 12,000 in 1873 , or that Schneider in France had multiplied to 12,500 in 1870 , so that more than half the population of the town of Creusot worked in their blast furnaces , rolling-mills , power-hammers and engineering workshops .
6 ON January 13 the Turks will stop the flow of the mighty Euphrates river for a month to build up the water level in their new Ataturk dam ; fine , except that the Euphrates flows into Iraq which needs the water for irrigation and electricity .
7 It is a fair assumption that the CBI knows at least as much about manufacturing as the hon. Lady does , and she will see a commendation of the Government 's policy in the 1980s and a firm recommendation that it should continue .
8 But there is nevertheless a greater precision in line B , since " his violence " specifies the kind of " sin " or " trouble " ( ) that the A-line speaks of .
9 Once submitted , LIFESPAN informs all interested users that the DC requires to be assessed .
10 In a separate move , oil industry officials in the Arabian Gulf expressed fears that the US plans for an energy tax might upset market stability by causing some producers to cut back on investment .
11 While over 2,300 people wait on death rows countrywide to see if they will die or not , we can only hope that the US comes to its senses soon .
12 The foregoing explains a powerful method of analysis and assessment that the NRC requires to be carried out on a variety of systems within the PWR plant , such as the emergency feedwater system , ECCS injection and recirculation , containment cooling , actuation of safety features , the auxiliary systems on which these depend , for example the AC and DC supplies and essential service water and cooling systems , and they must allow for possible interactions between different parts of the overall system .
13 reverse the order so that the LH starts with col. 2
14 Despite the fresco 's disintegration , the condition of the grotto is not disastrous , and it appears that the Soprintendenza hopes to instal a marble copy of Giambologna 's Venus-like figure when the restoration is complete .
15 ‘ I am sure you know , ’ Karlinsky went on , ‘ the high place — the very high place — that the Torah accords to women in the direction of Jewish family life .
16 It is unlikely that the JCC knows of all the instances in which either Advisory Appointments Committee procedures have been bypassed or inappropriate non-consultant career grade appointments have been made .
17 It is part of the risk that the SDA takes in evaluating this type of equity , and it goes on all the time .
18 The amount of silt that the Huanghe brings to the China Sea ( 1.6 × 10 t per year ) represents a 25 per cent increase over the last 30 years and is due mainly to the conversion of grasslands to arable fields ( Smil 1987b ) .
19 On the open road , it 's no use pretending that the Bentley handles with the agility of a Porsche .
20 Bland also discusses the use of the Laplace transform technique in linear viscoelasticity and shows that the solution of a viscoelastic problem can be found from the solution of the corresponding elastic problem provided that the Laplace transforms of the boundary conditions exist , by a correspondence principle .
21 Despite these improvements , however , the scientists warn that the Baltic continues to be " imperiled by the long-term accumulation of toxic chemicals " .
22 It failed because the French and the British were unhappy about supporting such a move and indeed the United Nations looked very likely er er to be more erm willing to condemn the United States than it was to condemn North Vietnam but the view of most countries in the world at that time was that North Viet that North and South Vietnam were part of the same country , that the Geneva accords in nineteen fifty four which called for unification should be upheld , and that the United States was interfering in , in a south east Asian country for no good reason .
23 It failed because the French and the British were unhappy about supporting such a move and indeed the United Nations looked very likely er er to be more erm willing to condemn the United States than it was to condemn North Vietnam but the view of most countries in the world at that time was that North Viet that North and South Vietnam were part of the same country , that the Geneva accords in nineteen fifty four which called for unification should be upheld , and that the United States was interfering in , in a south east Asian country for no good reason .
24 Similarly , the Soviets plan to supplement the Caterpillar and Komatsu side-boom pipelayers on which they have so far relied , with a new machine that the Sterlitamak works in the Urals will make .
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