Example sentences of "that the [noun sg] has be " in BNC.

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1 Cotinine in the urine is a reliable indicator that the subject has been exposed to passive smoking .
2 The journalist spends time on the story and then discovers that the subject has been around for years .
3 Reasons can assist the courts in performing their supervisory function , can help to ensure that the decision has been thought through , and can aid in the control of administrative discretion .
4 Why his Lordship should have concluded that the facts did not give rise to the issue is unclear , but subsequent events have shown that the decision has been of much greater importance for the scope of the right of public meeting than his Lordship imagined it would be .
5 One of our most distinguished lepidopterists , she reflects with pleasure that the butterfly has been ‘ in many lands at different times … a symbol of the soul ’ .
6 This may indicate that the conflict has been over peripheral matters , that a core belief in a transcendent power could retain its plausibility , untouched by changing conceptions of the physical world .
7 Despite the impossibility of an objective assessment , there are , however , considerations that suggest that the conflict has been exaggerated in the interests of scientism and secularism .
8 Therefore , until Mr Aycliffe informs me that the will has been overturned , I shall remain here .
9 The accused need not know that the owner does not consent or know that the conveyance has been taken without authority .
10 In the " allowing " form the accused must know that the conveyance has been taken without lawful authority .
11 Nobody has come to see me today about that and I think it is disgraceful that the surgery has been disrupted , ’ he said .
12 Provided that the sea has been eroding for a sufficient length of time a negative movement of base level results in a raised beach , consisting as a rule of an eroded platform of solid rocks with or without a covering of beach deposits .
13 The first coat should be applied across the grain and then with the grain , to make sure that the surface has been covered completely .
14 Simple reaction time refers to a response , such as a key press , indicating merely that the stimulus has been detected , whereas discriminative reaction time refers to a response where some kind of discrimination is called for between two stimuli presented either simultaneously or successively .
15 Failure means that the character has been magically warped into one of the cells in the torture room ( 81a-81e ) .
16 It seems that the dolphin has been able to eliminate frictional drag and turbulence when it swims , a feat never achieved by any human-made vessel .
17 Tim Mackie has explained to me that the organisation has been so successful gathering together items of rolling stock , track and equipment that there are not enough members available to operate trains and work on the infrastructure at the same time .
18 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
19 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
20 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
21 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
22 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
23 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
24 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
25 A mail message will be created to record the outcome of the operation and a mail identifier will be allocated for this purpose ; you should take careful note of it and check that the request has been successful .
26 It is true that the recession has been putting their customers out of business , but accountants will always be kept busy picking up the pieces , or explaining in long reports why other accountancy firms got it wrong and are liable for a fortune in damages .
27 There may be important conditions to be observed ( eg to ensure that the road has been adopted by the local authority ) , and if it is not possible to comply with these , the mortgage may not go through .
28 That is serious in view of the fact that the committee has been running for more than four years .
29 Sir John , one of the most respected Conservative back-benchers in the Commons , added : ‘ I am personally glad that the air has been cleared but sorry .
30 We may have no choice but to do so , though I believe that the change has been more damaging than beneficial .
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