Example sentences of "that [n mass] [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The scale of the problem is such that £94m could be spent in Middlesbrough alone and there would still be housing need in that town .
2 ‘ As one of a growing band of organic sheep farmers , I know that sheep can be reared without cruelty .
3 For example , if a national standard determined that $100 should be issued for performance of an obstetric service , and a hospital performed the service for $90 , it would pocket the $10 difference for use in other programmes .
4 One of the criticisms of this approach is that data may be collected which is never used subsequently .
5 The drawback associated with this approach is that data may be held indefinitely with no use being made of it .
6 The fact that microcomputers can communicate with larger computers means that data can be prepared on the micro and then sent to the mainframe at a convenient moment .
7 But the basic point is that data can be stuffed into files whenever you need it in that format .
8 One of the advantages of list processing is that data can be processed sequentially without the records themselves being stored sequentially .
9 A great deal of other software is become transparently compatible , so that data can be shared between database programs , word processors , and graphics software , using multi-tasking operating systems .
10 This principle seems to imply that data should be destroyed when the specified purpose for which they were collected has been achieved .
11 Despite this downward movement , the Central Statistical Office calculates that £2.47 would be needed today to match the buying power of £1 when Mrs Thatcher quoted Saint Francis of Assisi after her first Conservative victory .
12 When fly and lure fishing only are allowed on a water there is no other way that fish can be caught .
13 Ever since the RSPCA established a Working Party to look at the implications of fishing , we have been concerned about one of its conclusions , which is that fish should be given the benefit of the doubt with regard to their ability to experience pain .
14 However , JR , being an experienced figures man , new that statistics could be made to prove almost anything .
15 Government figures maintain that 250m would be collected from books at 17 ½%; VAT , but this figure does not take into account rebates to the public sector and reduced sales . ’
16 It is hoped that £1m will be raised worldwide from the event through sponsorship and donations .
17 It is hoped that £1m will be raised through events staged in this country and across the rest of the world
18 It admits that people may be driven to vice by desperation or cruel social circumstances .
19 What kind of things , I mean amongst people of your age , what are the kind of things that people might be involved ?
20 The political right is attracted by workfare because it resents the idea that people might be paid by the state to do nothing .
21 I think that people would be justified in rebuking me for deceiving them as to my whereabouts , but that I would no more have actually lied than if I had thrown my voice and said ‘ Cooee ‘ .
22 Former Social Security Secretary Patrick Jenkin alluded to this when he cut the benefit to which homeless men were entitled on the grounds that people would be aggrieved by these itinerants getting " more actual cash in hand by being homeless ( sometimes by choice ) than by contributing toward the cost of a household and accepting the attendant responsibilities .
23 Claims that people would be put off travelling to the town centre because of lack of parking were dismissed .
24 Her natural vivacity , her particular charm , had led her too often into thinking that people would be drawn into seeing things her way , with disastrous results .
25 The original proposals were changed after over five hundred objections were lodged , mainly from traders worried that people would be scared away from some out-of-town shopping areas .
26 Brian Puddicombe , from the Banking Insurance and Finance Union 's NatWest Committee , told the union 's annual conference in Llandudno , Gwynedd : ‘ It is totally unacceptable that people should be sacked as a direct result of being sick . ’
27 So I think we are actually obliged , and it 's right that people should be consulted , but there is a point about it that it takes an awful long time and that is actually the reason why we 've got er a whole programme of urban safety management schemes that er are taking a long time to develop , it 's almost two years now , and the main reason for that is toing and froing with different designs with members of the public and the worst thing we could do is actually put in a package of schemes which people say , well that 's not what we wanted anyway .
28 They firmly believed that people should be given rules to abide by to ensure that society ran on an even basis ; they did n't believe that the rules applied to them .
29 Yeah , well Lesley Dewhurst , do you think that people should be forced into behaving in certain ways ?
30 In principle we accept that people should be helped to provide for their own needs in old age by contributing throughout their working life to a pension scheme .
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