Example sentences of "that [vb base] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 These kindly present-buying people will be set upon immediately by the old cake-shop lady , who will convince them that what all ‘ the young people ’ are going for are these lovely olive green PVC capes that fit nicely over a rucksack .
2 Siward , the man who , had he , Thorfinn , been standing under that cross and issuing that challenge instead of a priest , would have had no hesitation in ordering his best marksman to smite him dead with his bow or his javelin .
3 At night I use a pair of betalites for indicators , fitted with clips that hold gently onto a loop of line pulled down between butt-ring and reel .
4 There 's often a lot of hot air spoken about airbags — you know , the devices that inflate rapidly in an accident — but one things for sure , they certainly help save lives .
5 my uncle 's gone oh fuck off like this and he started to put his fork in again and we goes , my dad goes well that look distinctly like a three inch mortar shell so I would n't put any more in there if , I would n't put your fucking fork 's in there again if I was you , they had to get the bomb squad out , they diffused it , they found about five fucking mortar bombs
6 A homogeneous population will eventually grow at a steady rate r , which is given by the Euler-Lotka equation , In an asexual population , or a population of sexually reproducing haploids that vary only at a single locus , the outcome of natural selection depends simply on the long-term growth rates associated with each genotype , in the absence of density- or frequency-dependent interactions , each genotype will eventually grow exponentially at a rate that depends on its own life history , given by equation ( 1 ) .
7 In multicellular organisms that reproduce asexually through a single-cell stage , the effects of Muller 's ratchet will be exacerbated , both because population sizes tend to be smaller than for protozoans , and because genomes tend to be large and hence to accumulate more mutations per genome .
8 With the help of audio-visual aids , computer-assisted instruction , and other teaching devices , a museum can bring a subject alive in ways that compare favourably with a single television programme , or a book selected almost by chance from the local shop .
9 Last year Volvo also won the Prince Michael Road Safety Award for safety belt tensioners that operate automatically in a collision , and its 700-series car was declared the safest in an accident following crash-testing in 199 different vehicles by the American Highway Loss Data Institute .
10 Just withering thrash grooves that shoot past in a punch-drunk blur , leaving their peers way behind .
11 It was a great honour for the Association to take part in this National occasion , an occasion which provided an opportunity to pay a tribute to those who fought the Battle of Britain , and to remember the welfare needs that exist today as a result of that Battle .
12 He argued that all the higher taxonomic categories can be divided into five subordinate units that fall naturally into a circular pattern .
13 that represent home to a boy
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