Example sentences of "that [vb past] he [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But Lewis 's fiction Till We Have Faces ( 1956 ) is the outcome of a private dream that haunted him for decades , based on the ancient myth of Cupid and Psyche , though it outpaces at times his capacity to tell .
2 It was not wickedness that led him into crime but a cheerfully impulsive nature and an almost complete lack of reasoning power .
3 He thought of Alan Millet … did n't know why , could n't place the trigger that led him to Alan Millet and a pub in the Elephant and Castle south of the Thames .
4 The Perm was soon taking pity on Charlie , as people tended to , and Charlie was asking him about the pressures of fame as if it were something that concerned him from day to day .
5 In referring once again to employee share ownership schemes , an idea that got him into trouble after the last election , he signalled that he still believed in the ‘ popular socialism ’ that he had advanced in those days as the answer to Thatcher 's ‘ popular capitalism ’ .
6 Kendall will come under increased pressure if he loses this fourth round replay and he is not prepared to keep faith with the players that failed him at Bramall Lane .
7 It was probably the affairs of the East India trade that propelled him into politics ; with the ‘ old ’ East India company still in existence , many members of the ‘ new ’ company sought election to Parliament to protect the company 's interests .
8 Mark … the jockey that rode him to victory at Cheltenham has retired from the saddle but still rides him out on the gallops and is now helping to tarin him
9 He reiterated one of the problems that dogged him throughout life , which was fatigue ; for although he had on the whole a ‘ tough ’ constitution — at least he liked to think so — and tremendous will-power , he had driven himself very hard over the past twenty years .
10 It was Cizek 's reputation that drew him to Vienna ; it was the spirit of this outstanding man that he brought to his life 's work in Yorkshire .
11 At this range the flaws that reduced him to humanity , and a fairly limited humanity at that , were plain to be seen : the stubble of coarse reddish beard he had n't bothered to shave , the roughness of his weathered skin over the immaculate but brutal bones , the inlaid indifference of the blue eyes .
12 Mezzadri , a Swiss coming back from a knee injury that dropped him from No 26 to 305 in the rankings in 1989 , overpowered Korda with a steady flow of crushing forehands and big serves .
13 It was a move that sealed him in Mrs O'Neill 's affections : he now brought her free ice-cream as well as the traditional Rocky Road .
14 But it was ambition , not politics , that drove him to England .
15 As he thought of this he grasped on to it with relief for it seemed to give him a reason to do nothing , though in his heart he knew it was fear , not duty , that prevented him from flying .
16 Professor Hoskins saw little in the modern development of the English landscape that filled him with pleasure and one has great sympathy for his feelings .
17 Big-punching Wharton is also free of the agony in his right hand that plagued him for months and reduced him to a one-armed fighter when he was held to a draw by Londoner Lou Gent in November .
18 It was the birth of his own son that confronted him with questions .
19 Despite the stigma and stress associated with a court case that threatened him with jail , he has so far managed to score 17 goals for Brentford in the First Division this season .
20 His father 's smell seemed to be impregnated in the large cotton shirt that covered him from neck to calf .
21 It was the folds of the banner , lying thick and cold in the shelter below , that saved his life , but not his skull from the blow that deprived him of consciousness .
22 He still does n't know the exact reason for the problem that kept him in care for a week — more tests are planned at the end of next month — and which has prevented him from going back to Stamford Bridge , where his coaching has transformed the fortunes of London 's Cinderella club .
23 He started in plastics , working from Coventry and Spondon , and joined Courtaulds Central Trading in the mid-1970s — a move that took him to East Germany , Yugoslavia and eventually the whole of Eastern Europe .
24 Occasionally , such a player realises this and finds he has the nerve to win the tournament , just as he had the nerve to win the tournament that took him to Augusta in the first place .
25 In a career that took him to Genoa where he played for the local side Sampdoria , he assumed an almost Italianate sense of style .
26 It may have been this connection that took him to Nottinghamshire in 1580 , to work for Arundell 's brother-in-law , Sir Francis Willoughby , at Wollaton Hall .
27 Ho told Jack about living in Japan ; his daily English lessons and the enormous threatening culture shock that awaited him in England .
28 There was a new smell in the air — the fresh scent of flowers , a hint of lemon , and a drowsy aroma that reminded him of honey .
29 There was a lilt that reminded him of Ella Fitzgerald .
30 As well as Seve 's good start on the fourth round , he also birdied one of the par-5s going out and that put him in front .
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