Example sentences of "that [vb past] her [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't want her to give herself over to the view of life that underlay all this , the philosophy that pinned her to the shadow-corners of the world .
2 Something was beginning to happen to her , an excitement , a wildness that caught her by the throat .
3 There was something about Rourke that stirred her in a way no other man had ever done … but , even so , a tiny voice of caution held her back .
4 In recent months the presidential asset has been the subject of some distinctly unflattering news articles , including a long Vanity Fair magazine story that painted her as an autocrat angry with her husband and out of touch with her family .
5 Heat flared along her veins , ripple after ripple of heady sensation that shook her to the very depths .
6 Her head lay next to the thin wall that separated her from the two of them .
7 And that faced her with a course of action which , for some obscure reason , seemed rather distasteful now .
8 The chill of fear and loneliness that had penetrated her very bones was suddenly consumed by the fury that engulfed her like a wave .
9 Ariel , watching , wished that she too could defy the bonds that tied her to the earth , and her blood leapt with Dulé 's ascent .
10 It was perfectly natural that Jake should marry — and , apart from how it might affect Kirsty , it was not an event that interested her in the slightest .
11 MRS Leona Helmsley , the hotel queen dethroned earlier this year by a New York court that convicted her as a tax cheat , was yesterday sentenced to four years ' imprisonment and fined $7 million ( £4.5 million ) .
12 THE gritty determination that took her to the top as Coronation Street 's Ivy has always been there .
13 With interest , that took her beyond the £55,000 offer which the police force had made in June 1991 to settle the case .
14 She came off the slope at an uncontrollable pace that took her across the clearing and into the trees .
15 Margaret Hughes wept in the backseat of the police car that took her from the court to prison .
16 It was being made to feel redundant that brought her to a standstill .
17 And he nibbled at her lips again , before catching them in another long exploratory kiss that brought her to a threshold of physical pleasure she had never before experienced .
18 She thanked the driver , lifted the latch of the low iron gate and took four steps that brought her to the front door .
19 What he seemed to see was something else , something that wore her like a shell , and it was walking towards him .
20 She felt strangely restless , wanting to throw herself into every small task that awaited her throughout the house .
21 The walls were brick lined and the floor covered with dull tiles set in a herringbone pattern that reminded her of a Roman villa she had once seen near the South Coast .
22 Miranda and Angus sat in a velvet-lined , crimson booth that reminded her of an old-fashioned railway carriage .
23 She tried to break from his grasp , but as she spoke he released the arm still pinned at her side and placed his hand on the curve of her neck , fondling it in a way that reminded her of an actor she 'd once seen playing Henry VIII just before a beheading scene .
24 And yet he was immaculate , his hair groomed and beaded with rubies ; his tunic an achingly sweet shade of pink that was almost white , edged with black ; his trousers of a blue that reminded her of the summer skies of her youth .
25 Polly pushed her arms through the webbing straps that reminded her of the restrainer her eldest sister used to stop her adventurous offspring clambering out of their prams and buggies .
26 Lady Grubb had fallen easily into the habit of behaving to her children as if she were some doggedly snobbish godmother , inviting them home every few months to look into their marriage prospects and treating the occasion as if it were a country weekend that put her to a lot of trouble , though her house was actually in the middle of London and fully staffed with unhappy au-pair girls .
27 Again she heard the boys ' warm approving voices , voices that left her outside the heat of that dangerous moment .
28 Not for the first time she cursed the lack of experience wth men that left her with no clue as to how to interpret what happened between them .
29 Backed by just one woman trainee officer she confronted the suspect in alley off Lawrence Road , the scene of an attack in December 1991 that left her with a smashed up face .
30 There was an edge to his comment that left her in no doubt that everything she said only confirmed the opinion he already had of her .
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