Example sentences of "that [vb past] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've then got rolling I A P's with Rob and whoever it is that got to help us with individual action planning
2 He looked mulish now , with his hard-eyed expression that she dreaded , that seemed to treat her as nothing .
3 ‘ Florian is a colleague ! ’ she flared , trying to contend with the wrenching anguish that rose in response to the sexual jealousy that seemed to mock her with its similarity to the emotional sort .
4 It was trying to love myself , the starting point of it all , that seemed to lead me in so many strange directions .
5 What was it about him that seemed to knock her off balance this way , making her act so strangely out of character ?
6 The voice came distantly , accompanied by an echo that seemed to rob it of identity .
7 " What , no congaie , no mu tsai ? " asked Joseph precociously , straining to bridge the gap of those few years that seemed to separate him from the world of adult banter inhabited so effortlessly by Paul and his brother .
8 Immeasurably distant on the horizon stood a pair of rugby posts , so high that they were clearly visible despite the miles that seemed to separate them from him .
9 She was usually so confident when dealing with even the most difficult of guests on the Day-to-Day programme , but there was just something about Luke Calder that seemed to throw her off balance .
10 She turned to watch him leave , experiencing a second shock as she recognised the man who was driving the car that arrived to collect him as one of the pair who had waylaid her in the car park .
11 The storms that threatened to pluck him from the summit where he stood barely rippled the grey waters of the lakes that were strung like pearls along the centre of the grassland far below .
12 I did n't suffer from morning sickness but I 've become an insomniac over the months and had the good fortune ( or so they tell me ) to have a healthy foetus that started kicking me at thirteen weeks .
13 For me that meant wrapping it in a blue launderette bag which served as a case .
14 She 'd felt a warmth go through her , as though he 'd reached out and touched her , an imaginary touch that had filled her with excitement .
15 The appalling hardship , primitive conditions , tremendous heat on the exposed rocky outcrop , and the omnipresent spice of danger which he encountered on his first experience of active service , appealed to the adventurous and the Spartan in Leslie , and salved the conscience that had irked him during his long training and frustrating inactivity at home .
16 The hatred that had motivated him for so long had inexplicably withered and died .
17 The scene that had sent her on her journey .
18 His caresses had urged her to a wild , uninhibited passion she 'd never known she possessed — but it was the love she felt for him that had sent her into such a breathtaking completion .
19 But perhaps , by telling him of it she might break through the shell of quiet self-sufficiency and recollection that had kept her at bay since his return from Student Cross .
20 He had needed to wind down after the spiralling tensions of the day , and once again he felt the company warmth and support that had sustained him through the day .
21 During the six years that followed his restoration , Louis put together again the coalition of ecclesiastical and secular support that had sustained him in the 820s .
22 For whether or no she had been instrumental in the making of that despicable will , it was her presence here that had caused it to be made .
23 It had been a glimpse of Gentle , not so unlike the one she 'd just had , that had propelled her into her near-suicidal affair with him .
24 It was eight o'clock , and Folly was cursing the cowardice , or whatever it was , that had prevented her from discovering Luke 's number and ringing to refuse the invitation .
25 Was it some insensitivity in his nature that had failed to respond to the nuances of the relationship , some obtuseness of perception that had prevented him from seeing , as it still prevented him from understanding ?
26 It was this that had prevented me from resting half a day here or there , from starting late in the morning and from stopping early in the evening .
27 Later redefinition of the goal as ‘ providing transportation ’ removed the blinkers that had prevented them from realizing that cars were made largely in Detroit but had to be received in good condition in every State , and that driving them to their destination was expensive .
28 The one sentence that had pleased me in her unfastidious and not very delicate letter was the last of all — that simple ‘ Write care of Ann . ’
29 In fact , one of the things that had pleased her about her daughter staying in London was that it kept her away from Seaton Cramer Hall .
30 As she groped towards a chair he made no move towards her but watched her sit down , then bow her head for a moment before slowly raising her eyes to his again when , in a voice that had lost none of its bitterness , she said ‘ Leave me ; but I 'm warning you , I 'll see you dead first , before you take that girl . ’
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