Example sentences of "that [noun prp] be on the " in BNC.

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1 One afternoon , when Aunt Lilian was lying down , I told Aunt Kit that Richard was on the ‘ other side ’ over Suez and that I had decided to leave him .
2 The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) reported in mid-February that Kurdistan was on the point of collapse and that hundreds of thousands of people were facing starvation as a result of the Iraqi blockade and the cutting of supply lines to Iran by snow and to Turkey by a lorry strike .
3 All the managers knew that Karen was on the Committee because she always had a notebook in her hand .
4 Latvia and Lithuania have some of the best players in the world … but the good news is that England are on the march …
5 M.J. talked a lot , and Donald said I encouraged her too much , and that I.C.B. was on the point of being more personal and interesting if I had let her — but I was rather shy of it .
6 Uncertain of the kind of climate which awaited her , she 'd consulted her hastily purchased travel guide , to be informed that Copenhagen was on the same latitude as Newcastle-on-Tyne in England and shared similar weather patterns .
7 The deceased 's solicitor , Eustace Tolby , attested that Newley was on the verge of instituting divorce proceedings against his wife .
8 The pressure is on him , if for not other reason than he knows that Deano is on the bench .
9 It was their fault , really , that Jesus was on the cross .
10 Arius had been excommunicated by his bishop , Alexander , for denying that Christ is on the divine side of the gulf between the Creator and his creation .
11 With various motives — from the fear that the worst excesses of Thatcherism were making the existing social order less stable , to the belief that God was on the side of oppressed people seeking justice — its leaders spoke out against particularly inhumane State policies .
12 I think people in the British churches , and probably outside them , twenty or thirty years ago lived in a rather secure world and they understood that God was on the whole on the side of the British Empire and the missionaries as they went out to civilize other places , and that was true also of the other European forms of God .
13 It has also been suggested that Dounreay is on the brink of signing contracts with reactors in Canada .
14 He warned , however , that the perception abroad that Yugoslavia was on the brink of disintegration and civil war was inhibiting foreign investment in the country .
15 The experience convinced him that Europe was on the brink of revolution , and he threw himself into revolutionary Anarchist ‘ Situationism ’ , which rejected conventional left-wing political parties .
16 It was the speed at which the decline occurred which led to wild suggestions that Britain was on the verge of a race suicide .
17 A rumour that Oxford were on the verge of takeover 3 weeks ago came to nothing , while Richard Branson and the boxing promoter Frank Warren have both denied they 're ready to buy .
18 Its contents and tone led him to suspect that Diana was on the verge of quitting The Firm .
19 Everybody knows that Vijay is on the range longer than anyone else , but Carriles is the Spanish Vijay Singh !
20 The whole world must have known that Hubert was on the river .
21 On June 10 , 1990 , the right-wing Confederation for an Independent Poland ( KPN ) ended a two-day annual conference with a warning that Poland was on the verge of a major social explosion as a result of economic reform .
22 The earlier period had aroused many expectations that America was on the verge of a social cinema , but , as the social-problem films of the post-1933 period came along , critics were to be uneasy about many of their characteristics .
23 Another Heineken weekend of records and dazzling rugby has convinced fans that Wales are on the brink of a new golden era of back play .
24 Now on Friday we were saying that Gloucester were on the right track … that West Hartlepool would be railroaded by them on saturday … bad news … the cherry and whites suffered a points failure … they went and lost by six points to twenty one
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