Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [verb] he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Pauline Annalist reported a rumour that Arundel confessed to having plotted the death of the queen , but it is more likely that Mortimer saw him as a territorial rival in the Marches of Wales , where he had held the lordship of Chirk since the confiscations after Boroughbridge .
2 Northumbrian annals record that Offa put him to flight ( perhaps with Hwiccian help ) and took the Mercian kingship .
3 He dreamt that Lucie threw him from the parapet of a bridge into deep water , with a stone statue of Garvey tied round his neck .
4 Like the second course that Barnett entered him for , this time for an accounting system .
5 Theodore 's reconciliation with Wilfrid took place in the context of Caedwalla 's dramatic ascendancy in southern England and if it is true that he expressed the wish that Wilfrid succeed him at Canterbury ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 43 ) this may have been in recognition of Caedwalla 's new regime with which Wilfrid was associated .
6 Tavett was too preoccupied with his fear that Wickham believed him to be the murderer to form any judgments .
7 It was during the second week that Carol asked him to dinner at her parents ' place .
8 His report , an Essay on Convict Discipline ( 1838 ) , was so condemnatory of official policy that Franklin dismissed him in 1838 .
9 Los Angeles police are investigating statements by a 13-year-old boy that Jackson abused him during a four-month relationship .
10 The rivalry over Walter , and the fact that Viola took him from Hilda some time during the war or just after ? ’
11 " His father says that Lorrimer rang him at a quarter to nine .
12 We did not see him as the spineless vicar that Fielding turned him into in Shamela .
13 Born in St Petersburg , Iacovleff was associated with Bakst and Diaghilev before moving to Paris where such was his repute that Sargent described him as one of the greatest living draftsmen .
14 My Lord that is in dispute , it is in dispute firstly that in fact as a matter of fact , Mr had ever held himself out to be an experienced man er of business , that Peter believed him to be as such , er and in any event , even if he was to seem as such it is the plaintiff 's case that there was still a duty upon the solicitor in that situation .
15 Ho must have run right into them , for he could see that Steve had him in a headlock and was dragging his kicking , struggling figure along the deserted street while Ray Shepherd followed , laughing .
16 Merlin was soon known for his fantastic mechanical automata , and it is not inconceivable that Tylney met him at one of the many masquerades then all the rage in London .
17 I read somewhere that Charlton chased him round the goal for this , is that true ? ?
18 Though there is an element of ambiguity about the whereabouts of Wilfrid 's see , it is most likely that Ealhfrith intended him to be bishop of York , the significance of which is unlikely to have been lost on Wilfrid and his royal patron if Pope Gregory 's original plan to establish York as an archbishopric was known to them .
19 Mahmud Pasa confesses that such is the case , explaining that Abdulkerim saved him from an addiction to wine which , he implies , would have seriously impaired his chances not only for a successful career but for salvation as well .
20 ‘ Between ourselves , ’ she said , ‘ Ralph claims that James cheated him over the sale of Carinish Court .
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