Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [vb -s] for the " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , Gnosticism was opposed to orthodox Christianity by its hostility to history , for instead of being based on the idea that God prepares for the future by way of the past it regarded the world as one from which God was absent .
2 But Barnes so far has neither displayed the range nor passion in an England shirt that Gascoigne displays for the responsibility .
3 This is a penalty that Yugoslavia pays for the large share of its foreign trade which it carries on with countries having inconvertible currencies .
4 With British industry burdened by record debt and Britain 's trade deficit at its highest for a year , will the Prime Minister explain why tax cuts which will suck in more imports are right while public investment in the kind of things that Britain needs for the future is wrong ?
5 It is important that MMRC establishes for the Course management a clear set of academic priorities .
6 He gives the obvious explanation that Shakespeare has read Ovid on Salmacis , and spices it with the assurance that Adonis stands for the Earl of Southampton , whom he keeps calling Wriothesley .
7 The evidence for this assumption seems in the end to be the fact that Taskopruzade uses for the first time in relation to Molla Fenari a distinctly official-sounding title which appears to encompass the entire Ottoman state , namely ; but it must be reiterated that there is no evidence in Taskopruzade 's account to suggest that this appointment occurred in the time of Murad II rather than earlier , perhaps in the time of Mehmed I or even of Bayezid I.
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