Example sentences of "that [pers pn] could not be " in BNC.

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1 Born in May 1964 , Bustin , ‘ grew up with the idea that I could n't be an artist , since , one , I was n't male , and two , I was n't mad ! ’
2 By the time that I began to work with Ahmed and Amitha , I had resolved within myself that I could n't be anything other than a Black lesbian and that was in itself its own political identity , one that did not require validation from either the women 's , gay or Black movements .
3 Born in May 1964 , Bustin , ‘ grew up with the idea that I could n't be an artist , since , one , I was n't male , and two , I was n't mad ! ’
4 So that they began to hint that I could n't be so very friendly if I was afraid to take them round to meet him .
5 Then I got so that I could not be bothered .
6 I was reminding the golfing spirits that I could not be caught napping .
7 Because he lost sight of me quickly , he knew that I could not be going down to the river or turning left into the church : he had an uninterrupted view of both .
8 The problem was that I could not be sure if this was your true feeling for me , or just your terror of Mathilde 's ghosts making you cling to me in that delightful and extremely inflammatory fashion .
9 ‘ This chap pointed out that she could n't be a widow , as she 'd never married .
10 Not only did n't the soft voice sound like a witch 's , thought Virginia ; the face did n't look a bit like a witch 's ; in fact , she decided , the witch sounded and looked so sweet and gentle that she could n't be a witch !
11 She was afraid then , rather as a skier might feel when he looks down the steep whiteness of a dangerous slope , or a high diver who seems far above the water , but the sensation was so unusual to her that she could n't be sure that it was entirely unpleasant still strongly mixed , as it was , with curiosity .
12 It was important to be at once on it so that she could n't be followed .
13 She told me that she could n't be happy until she 'd given birth and , in the course of time , I began to understand what she meant .
14 She could not bind herself personally , with the result that she could not be made a bankrupt , unless she was carrying on a trade .
15 Sam was more than ever convinced that she could not be .
16 He 'd made it abundantly clear that Hari was of no account in the community , that she could not be trusted to carry any weight with lawyers and the like .
17 By a respondent 's notice dated 25 January 1992 the defendant sought that the judgment be affirmed on the additional ground that she was a residential occupier within the meaning of section 27 of the Act of 1988 because her right to remain in occupation was controlled by the Rent Act 1977 so that she could not be evicted except by enforcement of the possession order by a bailiff executing a warrant for possession , whether or not her statutory tenancy had been terminated by the possession order .
18 Raynor said softly , ‘ But you are so beautiful that men would die for you , ’ and Grainne looked up , startled , because the words had been so soft that she could not be sure she had heard them correctly , yet she knew she had .
19 Once she had accepted that she could not be buried in King Tut 's pyramid with her possessions heaped around her , she positively relished broadcasting who was to get what ‘ after I 'm gone ’ .
20 I have sometimes gone into it when the King was absent from Delhi and once pretty far I thought , for the purpose of giving my advice in the case of a great lady so ill that she could not be moved to the outward gate ; but a Kachemire shawl covered my head , hanging like a large scarfe down to my feet , and a eunuch led me by the hand , as if I had been a blind man .
21 It had been a mistake to think that she could not be hurt again .
22 It seemed that she could not be anywhere near Rourke without her emotions erupting all over the place .
23 Anne Diamond explained that she could not be at Torquay because of programme commitments and what she called ‘ another thing ’ , patting her midriff to show that she was heavily pregnant .
24 Aware , as she most certainly was , that she could not be pleased to see him — grief , if past experience was anything to go by , they 'd no doubt be going for each other 's throats before the meal was half over — Leith returned to the kitchen and prepared some salad .
25 A High Court judge on Friday made Gemma a ward of court and ruled that she could not be approached by the media .
26 Told by the judge , Lord Coulsfield , that she could not be compelled to testify , Heather Hepburn , 29 , of Argyll Street , Alloa , said she was willing to give evidence .
27 That you could not be your own man until you had . ’
28 He was difficult sometimes — maddening sometimes — but he had , I always thought , a curious innocence of character so that you could n't be angry with him for long — and I found him always stimulating to be with — talkative , bursting with ideas and comments — and for a great deal of the time — just plain good fun to be with .
29 " For God 's sake , Maureen , you were yelling yesterday that you could n't be bothered with it .
30 You came out here to whimper over the fact that you could n't be together in the way that you would like , only you made the unfortunate mistake of running into me instead . ’
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