Example sentences of "that [pers pn] might [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Has n't it occurred to you , Skeeter , that I might not want to ?
2 ‘ But did it not occur to that massive conceit of yours that I might not want to make love to you ? ’
3 Some like the Sandvik Sandplate have introduced me to products that I might not have otherwise tried .
4 He says that I might not need to get it right ?
5 He says that I might not need to get it , right , because , if , he can only tell half my blood .
6 ‘ My wife thinks I might be risking all my credibility by coming back and that I might not get another job in football .
7 What we had n't bargained for was that she might not want to be the next Franz Klammer .
8 He came and went so quickly that she might not have known it was him save for the flash of his yellow cravat under the gas-lamp .
9 Once she had taken off her black suit and was lying in bed dressed only in her underclothes and dressing gown , she admitted to herself that she was so tired that she might not have lasted out the afternoon in court without fainting .
10 As Ngo Van Loc drove them northwards , her thoughts against her will returned constantly to the frenzy of that midnight jungle storm and the gnawing fear that she might not have emerged from her folly unscathed .
11 When she was younger and thoroughly impatient with her mother she had sometimes entertained a fantasy that Constance would kidnap her and take her away to live with the gipsies : now she felt that she might not have liked it as much as she thought .
12 Beneath the overwhelming memories of physical delight there were fears — a fear that she might not have measured up in some way .
13 His hands did n't roam , did n't take liberties that she might not have wanted him to take ; only his head moved , his mouth , as he kissed her first one way , then another ; drew her lower lip , infinitely gently , between his ; sampled the top lip , her tongue ; moved languidly to approach from another direction .
14 She rang the Sunday Herald number , placating her conscience with the thought that she might not have time to ring Tracey that evening after all ; but when she got through to the news desk , she discovered that he had taken the shuttle to Glasgow the morning before .
15 If she continued to wait it was really , in a manner , that she might not add the shame of fear , of individual , personal collapse , to all the other shames .
16 And in doing so she has proved herself a mightier force than the Palace propaganda machine , which suggested that she might not attend because she was too old and frail to make the long journey to Crathie Church .
17 For several days his body was ‘ thrust aside , hidden under a piece of furniture by his landlady , so that she might not lose the chance of showing the room to a prospective new lodger . ’
18 They were told a carefully graduated series of lies : first that their mother was staying in hospital for a while , then that she might not come home for a long time , and finally that she might never come back .
19 If he did , then he was aware of the situation of risk and , it is suggested , should be acquitted only if his failure to consider that she might not appreciate the nature of the act was reasonable , bearing in mind his own capacities .
20 The same must be true of a situation in which the defendant pleads honest belief in consent on the ground that the victim permitted penetration although the defendant was aware that she might not understand the nature of the act .
21 A further situation might arise , however , in which the defendant alleges belief in consent on the basis of the victim 's consent to penetration but where it did not occur to him that she might not understand the nature of the act , although the risk of this was quite obvious .
22 In London she lost umbrella after umbrella , as if with each accidental leaving behind lay the idea that she might not need that particular umbrella again .
23 He pursed his lips thoughtfully and the hidden laughter in his eyes warned her that she might not like his answer .
24 On the other hand , now he thought about it — that was one of the advantages of taking time out to think things through — there had been occasions when she had looked at him in a special way which made him think that she might not reject him .
25 Until then she had been tortured by fears that she might not recognise her son if she should see him .
26 " Well , I 'm not quite sure that she might n't burst into tears , or perhaps suddenly take all her clothes off " This had actually once happened to Richard at Nestor and Sage , the investment counsellors where he worked .
27 Trembling with the fear that you might not believe in the truth or my love .
28 But many of these packages are aimed at high-end users and are stuffed with features that you might not need .
29 You have to consider things very carefully , and quite often you end up making decisions that you might not have made if you 'd been alone . ’
30 ‘ It occurred to me that you might not have seen Madeira before , ’ he said .
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