Example sentences of "that [pers pn] is [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He would probably say that his is a case of the unexcitable in pursuit of the unexciting , but the sound , and at times beautiful hockey which he has inspired ( particularly in the second half of the season ) gives the lie to such modesty .
2 Where a plaintiff contends that his is a case justifying a departure from the general approach that contention , and the facts relied upon to support it , should be pleaded .
3 After a brief opening spot by local musician Jim Malcolm , which suggested that his is a talent to watch , Guillory came on .
4 It will be clear , I think , to anyone reading what Karajan has to say in Chapter 6 of these Conversations that his is an enterprise of particular historical significance .
5 They represent to the world that theirs is a relationship based on strong human emotions , exclusive commitment to each other , and permanence .
6 All claim that they are not writing for clever people but this does not mean that theirs is the voice of a simple , unlettered piety .
7 The shorts are betting that theirs is an industry with a bright future .
8 Indeed , Ulpian puts the case of a seller of a female slave who knowingly allows the buyer to believe that she is a virgin when she is not ( D. ) , a defect which is treated as being strictly liable so that the buyer can return the slave .
9 ‘ It 's really not to easy to tell that she IS a girl , is it ?
10 Goldsmith talks with some conviction , but she is the first to admit that she is a phoney .
11 Prosecutor : Do you appreciate that she is a person who has the right to refuse ?
12 We are let know by it that she is a person of Taste …
13 Since then I have come to see that she is a woman of qualities , some of which one detects in Barbara Castle and Margaret Thatcher .
14 Marlborough , a neighbour in Albemarle Street , opens a third exhibition of Therese Oulton ( 1 May–12 June ) , whose new paintings should dispel any lingering suggestion that she is a painter of the landscape .
15 She firmly refuses to concede that she is a celebrity , merely saying that she ‘ leads two lives ’ but is essentially an ordinary Daleswoman .
16 I can see now that she is a blessing in red-booted disguise .
17 Her employer is perfectly aware that she is a sans-papiers .
18 But when Patrick says that sort of thing to Jenny , he adds that she is an exception to this law of nature .
19 Let us suppose that she is an heiress , left to the uncertain care of a guardian .
20 It seems to be saying that the Queen of Hell , separating from the Sacred Bride/Divine Mother , becoming the Boar , fusing with Adonis , transforming him to Tarquin , and then destroying the Sacred Bride/Divine Mother under the illusion that she is the Queen of Hell , is the perpetuum mobile of the Equation . ’
21 This , however , does not mean that she is the wife of all the men of the descent group at the same time .
22 The prosecution must prove beyond all reasonable doubt that she did not consent and the defence will be irresistibly tempted to raise that doubt by suggesting that she is the type of woman who might well have done .
23 I 'm writing a report on her former colleague , because suspicions have been voiced that she is the agent of some foreign power — though , I hasten to add , I personally regard this as nonsense , and am convinced he died simply because she somehow …
24 In respect of this part of his earnings the object of which is to provide income available for current expenditure the tortfeasor is , subject to sums necessarily spent to earn the income , entitled to no credit for expenditure saved as a result of the injury ; the principle that it is no concern of the tortfeasor how the plaintiff chooses to spend his income applies .
25 ‘ After anxious consideration I have reached the conclusion that whatever Reg. v. Morris did decide it can not be regarded as having overruled the very plain decision in Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 that appropriation can occur even if the owner consents and that Reg. v. Morris itself makes it plain that it is no defence to say that the property passed under a voidable contract .
26 This means that it is no defence that the defendant believes that the policeman is acting outside the scope of his duty , even if he reasonably so thought .
27 R v Morris itself makes it plain that it is no defence to say that property passed under a voidable contract . "
28 Already they keep me busy coming and consulting me about their topics to write on , and that , with 12 hours teaching a week , means that it is no holiday .
29 My understanding is that it is no secret and that it is public information-that is unless it has received £250,000 or more .
30 Some people even refuse to use this part of the E-6000 programming at all , saying that it is no good to them , because they can not understand how a column of figures can relate to a knitted garment .
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