Example sentences of "that [pers pn] was so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was not that I was so self-blind that I saw nothing to be learnt .
2 I suppose the main reason was that I was so astonished to find that they existed at all .
3 What is important is that I was so surprised by my opponent 's failure to fall over in agony that I was unable to stop him attacking me .
4 Clarissa could think of nothing constructive to say except that she was so sorry .
5 No , does n't fit on it 's stopped recording change the change the tape so a su but going back to that she was so convinced that it was gon na be a heck of a job that she would save us time by taking all the clothes out putting them somewhere else and I said it 'll take us three minutes
6 ‘ I keep asking myself what it could have been that she was so keen to tell me on the phone .
7 And by the time I came back she had started the smoothing-down process that she was so good at .
8 All of that I could understand , but it concerned me that she was so nervous and desperately unhappy .
9 Once she had taken off her black suit and was lying in bed dressed only in her underclothes and dressing gown , she admitted to herself that she was so tired that she might not have lasted out the afternoon in court without fainting .
10 Jay cursed that she was so pleased with the crumbs of comfort : coffee , a drink , a phonecall .
11 Her accent reminded Paula of Louise — perhaps that was why she warmed to her in spite of the fact that she was so awe-inspiring .
12 Well , could do , what I ca n't forgive is that she was so spiteful to my daughter , she 's a sun shiny little sole and she 's so full of love for everybody she 's so generous
13 It was lucky for her that she was so busy just then , as she had little time to think during the day , and at night she was so tired that she fell asleep directly she got into bed .
14 Only the fact that she was so happy at Pinehurst had persuaded them to leave her there so long .
15 The medium that she was so hostile to served her well .
16 Declaring that she was so beautiful that she ought to be in pictures , he gave her some of his manuscripts .
17 He stood for a moment longer , looking at her , unable to speak , seeing that she was so beautiful it was hurtful to him , thinking that in other circumstances he would be unmanned by such beauty , except that he was not unmanned , that was the very last thing …
18 We , we actually lived in th the corner shop is right on the corner if you 've come up High street on the bus and your Co-op would be on that corner , your church and your Co-op 's on the corner , and just turns there and I only lived just down that street , so we never had to have it delivered because we just popped up er and my brother and I , I can so remember us going with our two big bags you know and we , you know how you do when families meet you know and he 'll say that 's the time , because dad , we never knew dad hit us and yet you 'd of thought he was , we , we were so scared it must have been his voice you know , that he erm that we was so scared that everything was all correct from the Co- op .
19 The Knight Marischal shouted back that since it was unthinkable that any such deed would be carried out , and a disgrace to the knightly code that it was so much as suggested , there would be no yielding up of the town .
20 I was very pleased that it was so convincing . ’
21 But no , I I enjoyed it , other than the fact that it was so hot in there !
22 Williams would always like talking about Orton , although he would publicly protest for years that it was so boring to keep going on about his relationship with the writer .
23 Arthur spoke entirely without irony , although he was clearly aware that it was so friendly to some , so open-armed , that they never left it .
24 That and the rain , which stained the concrete a dirty brown , gave the place a deserted look even during term-time , but the fact that it was so close to London meant that it really was deserted at the weekends as students and staff headed for the bright lights .
25 Franco conducted it on his own terms , however , which meant that it was so gradual as to be barely perceptible at times , and designed to show him in the most favourable light possible .
26 Rather than looking at the proposal we decided that it was so that 's what we did really and that 's why , if you have a look down there right , so all we 're doing then we 're working through the resources and allocating them room numbers erm and then when that 's done so that 's what we did for each of the little rooms .
27 I could n't get over the fact that it was so good .
28 The Prison Officers Association said it was astounding that it was so easy to escape from a building which was supposed to be secure .
29 In that little crucible of the theatre that story was demonstrated , that here were people of phenomenal talent , with an enormous amount to give , with the tremendous burning desire to express their feelings and their attitudes , and to the enhancement of other people 's lives , and how cruel it was that it was so few that got through .
30 that you realized that it was so cold
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