Example sentences of "that [pers pn] was [verb] for " in BNC.

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31 Later in the morning we were able to confirm that she was heading for a port in Southern Ireland .
32 Once again Scott felt that she was asking for something unreasonable , something a child might ask of a parent .
33 He told me before she came that she was asking for somewhere secret to stay for a short time .
34 The realization that she was working for Hauser was opening new horizons for her , but she 'd not had time to work out how she could exploit the knowledge .
35 If she was not careful all that she was working for , all that she had planned and schemed for , would be lost forever .
36 By the way her mother fiddled with the handle of her wicker basket Constance could tell that she was longing for the bus to come and take her to Chollerton where her beauty and style might stand some chance of being noticed .
37 ‘ You 're a good boy , Wayne , ’ Angelica had said , and they 'd both known that she was meaning for more than just the errand .
38 I was playing jackstones in the street when Nelly Mitchell ran up with the news that she was going for the midwife .
39 And , oh I did n't tell you this either that she was going for a promotion !
40 She said that she was waiting for some of her belongings to be sent on , but she 'd supply all her tax and National Insurance details as soon as they came .
41 It dawned on Folly that she was waiting for a tip and , gathering what she could of her wits , she struggled out of bed to delve in her handbag .
42 I have in fact si since seeing this sent her a copy of the paper I put to this meeting , erm , having seen that , because I did n't know that she was waiting for it to the commentary with .
43 Bitter wife Mary , 44 , revealed last night that she was suing for divorce on the grounds of his adultery with ‘ Wildcat ’ TV girl Jacqueline Marson .
44 Your landlady said you was n't married , that you was waiting for a while .
45 Standing on the beautifully tended grass of Jesus Green and watching a throng of tourists , language students and local people enjoying the tranquillity of the lock , it is hard to believe that it was built for commerce rather than leisure .
46 The major axis of Stonehenge is aligned with the exact positions of the midwinter and midsummer solstice , leading to suggestions that it was built for ceremonies to mark the annual calendar and seasons .
47 A report of the work was typed by the school secretary but its informal style and the sometimes cryptic references to individual children make it clear that it was intended for internal circulation only .
48 Of the country 's three nuclear reactors in Yongbyon , one 50-100 megawatt plant was not connected to the national grid , thereby indicating that it was intended for weapons production .
49 And even if a structural , timber can be dated , there is always the possibility that it was stored for some time between being felled and being used , or even that it was re-used timber salvaged from an earlier building .
50 It revealed in September that it was looking for either an outright buyer or a substantial injection of capital for a minority stake in order to expand the publication .
51 ‘ I can not say that it was withdrawn for its political content . ’
52 The Mystic Hussars , as it was called , proved to be so popular and successful that it was performed for over 40 years .
53 It became obvious to everyone that the Tournament could not continue and after another undue delay , the Earl of Eglinton announced that it was cancelled for the day .
54 It is no accident that it was recommended for use in the fifteenth-century Lay Folks Mass Book at the elevation of the Host .
55 She knew she ought to tell Georg it was all over between them , that it was finished for good .
56 As a result they push it beyond its design — a bit like trying to fly a plane at twice the speed and height that it was designed for .
57 As far as you could understand him , this was to the effect that since the Government was rejecting any suggestion that it was to blame for this scandal , since most of the alleged swindlers were difficult to bring to book , and since the investors who lost the money nearly all live in Tory marginals , then the one innocent party — the taxpayer — would foot the £150 million bill .
58 Prior to publication of the study , Rechem 's position had been that there was no proof that it was to blame for any toxic contamination outside the plant .
59 This , however , gives rise to two legends : firstly that it was paid for by Napoleon in gold louis to Mr Veitch , who later buried the coins under the foundation stone of the English church ; and secondly that the wine was never drunk by Napoleon but returned to Madeira after his death to be bottled in 1840 by Blandy 's .
60 The fact that it was used for his or another 's use could be established by questions and answers between the police and the defendant .
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