Example sentences of "that [pers pn] can not make " in BNC.

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1 But not too old that I can not make sure that you never forget .
2 I enjoyed reading your material , but after consideration I 'm afraid to say that I can not make use of short stories .
3 Or perhaps you 've found that you can not make a square turn to the right like those you find so easy to the left .
4 Unbalanced for some , but those who know the area will agree that you can not make Moderates out of vertical rock .
5 Of course sometimes when it does n't work that depresses me because it 's not because it does n't work , it 's because of the constraints of the system that you can not make it work .
6 There is another rule , equally old and equally well-established — that you can not make a mere witness a party in order to get discovery from him ’ .
7 If you realise that you can not make the schedule , then you need to negotiate a realistic alternative .
8 The sceptical argument therefore claims that you can not make sense of the idea of a subject of experience other than yourself .
9 There is a very popular cant phrase that you can not make men good by Act of Parliament .
10 J said : " The cases are quite clear that you can not make a valuer an arbitrator by calling him so or vice versa " .
11 That we can not make those leaps of vision so because we are bound to a cultural view which denies their possibility . ’
12 Time and financial constraints , as well as a recent rapid increase in student numbers ( 90 in 1991 , 125 in 1992 ) , mean that we can not make this as wide-ranging as we would like .
13 It follows that we can not make up a square matrix X of eigenvectors to satisfy ( 8 ) ; for this reason the matrix B is said to be defective .
14 Branches should avoid merely asking the insured to obtain estimate(s) or quotation(s) unless the type of claim or the remoteness of the location means that we can not make use of our own local or national arrangements with traders .
15 Governments argue that they can not make a development omelette without breaking heads .
16 This is important , because it is sometimes given as an objection to attitude theories that they can not make sense of subordinate ethical clauses .
17 ‘ If your own family is so badly brought up , ’ thundered a Scottish columnist , ‘ so lacking in moral fibre that it can not make a go of its marriages , what price all those Christmas homilies ? ’
18 Within a given political economy where there is a ‘ free ’ market for labour ( taking this , hypothetically as given ) , labour becomes so plentiful and therefore cheap that it can not make a living .
19 This word can convey several meanings but one of them expresses an inner state of mind so torn between various options that it can not make up its mind .
20 R. F. V. Heuston has argued that it should , saying that it can not make any difference whether the rules which identify the procedure come from common law , statute or a combination of both .
21 Mr Aznar has repeatedly taken refuge in claims that the Socialists are hiding the true figures and that he can not make promises until he has seen the books .
22 He accepts that he can not make a categorical statement about innocence or guilt , but he feels that his constituent has not been given a fair hearing .
23 Try as he might it is clear that he can not make the economic figures add up , creative accounting or not , in a way which will make the parliamentary Tory Party arithmetic secure .
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