Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [prep] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now I hope that by tomorrow afternoon you 're able to say yes all those objectives have been met but it may well be and I 'm sure it is that you as individuals have other objectives , you have other issues that you want to address er or put more emphasis on during these two days .
2 All three are equally correct for each of the knitters , but what is important is that we as knitters have at least a basic understanding of all pattern writing methods , so that we can use all patterns , in whatever form they are presented to us .
3 The Creed is the ‘ Blue Print ’ of all that we as Catholics believe and try to live .
4 In fact when we say a piece of language is rhythmic we mean that we as readers have a rhythmic response to it — rhythm is a perceptual not a physical fact .
5 And in the years after the end of the 1939–45 war there was such a spate of generals ' diaries that it at times seemed difficult to understand how these men had time for the job in hand , so busy were they with their diaries .
6 The sight of his figure pushing a trolley loaded with cleaning utensils , mops , brushes arranged incongruously , though always tidily , around teapots , cups and saucers , so that it at times resembled a street-hawker 's barrow , became a familiar one around the house .
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