Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [verb] [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 A thing that I 've heard from a few directions recently is erm the thought of work shadowing .
2 ‘ I 've already got money that I 've saved from Grye 's winnings . ’
3 He said : ‘ I 'm here to learn about the situation on the ground beyond things that I 've known from previous trips and a long-term study of the issues .
4 I 've got some quotes here that I 've taken from the book which shows not only how Dickens thought women ought to behave , but how the readers , since he was writing for a public market , the readers too thought the ideal woman ought to behave .
5 This is not always the case , though — I once had a kestrel that I 'd decided from its plumage was a male and it turned out to be a female , and although this has never happened to me with a barn owl , I know people who 've made that mistake .
6 I was wearing mostly stuff that I 'd pinched from films I 'd done mod gear from Quadropehnia and Take 6-cum-Paul Smith from Breaking Glass .
7 I felt that I had progressed from just wanting to ‘ be gay ’ to being ‘ Black and gay ’ .
8 Not until I was out in the open countryside again , reassured by the songs of the birds and the murmur of streams did I feel that I had emerged from a dream and rejoined the familiar twentieth century .
9 I was still very pleased , however , when the statistician Ian Hodge told me at the end of the year that I had moved from being 156th in the world 100 metres ranking list in 1985 to 4th in 1986 !
10 Although it would be mad to claim that I felt happy , my first feeling was one of cheer that I had escaped from prison .
11 It was dark , I could n't make out their features , but I was terrified that I had jumped from the pot into the flames .
12 Feeling flustered and guilty that I had departed from my normal custom of never working on a pupil 's painting , I foolishly replied " Yes " .
13 For so long I resisted any change to my hairstyle — I thought I knew what suited me — I was entrenched in an image that I had held from years gone by .
14 I held up a bottle of Long John that I had brought from Helsinki .
15 All that morning I was frightened that my sister would discover that I had stolen from her , but luckily she was so busy cleaning the house , and roasting the chickens for our Christmas lunch that she did not notice that I had been out , or that any food was missing .
16 It is right to say that I have heard from Mrs Paul 's classroom assistant during the last academic year , she appears virtually to have acted as an enabler , but she was by no means dedicated to Paul as a one to one enabler and of course the extent of the attention of which she had to give to Paul detracted from her ability to give attention to other pupils .
17 Yet I offer to you as much as I possess , and so much as old age has left me , with the utmost satisfaction , as being at least a testimony to the instruction and delight that I have received from your marvellous invention .
18 It would be inequitable to those who take a contrary view to that of the hon. Gentleman if I were to see him exceptionally , in addition to all the other representations that I have received from him , now that the consultation period is over and I am reaching a conclusion on the matter .
19 The advice that I have received from those who understand the issue better than I is that it will drive many small convenience stores out of business .
20 I have been interested in the number of representations that I have received from country areas and I see no reason why the Bill can not apply to villages , too .
21 I am indebted to his Department for all the technical help that I have received from it , and I sincerely hope that the Bill is a better measure as a result .
22 I hereby acknowledge that I have received from the sum of £ in payment for the fixtures , fittings and chattels now in or about the above premises listed in the Schedule below AND I confirm that I am absolutely entitled to the same free of any charge , hire-purchase agreement or other incumbrance affecting the same or any of them .
23 I could not possibly do justice in this speech to all that has been written on the subject , but I hope that I have profited from the many articles which I have read since the hearing .
24 He rolls up his sleeves and sets in on the dishes that I have eaten from over the course of the day .
25 I can count the number of trout that I have taken from this lovely loch on the fingers of one hand and blank days are the rule , but I keep going back for more .
26 And how strange , she thought , that I have come from him , and you are but now going to him , and yet I do not envy even you , the most enviable of women !
27 Maybe I can never convince you that I am other than a spirit , for what I have to tell you is this : that I have come from two hundred years in the future to speak to you — to sit here by this window and talk as we talk now ! ’
28 Ellen 's voice was suddenly a harsh scream , so harsh that we both looked towards her and saw that she was threatening both of us with one of Wavebreaker 's heavy-duty fire extinguishers that she had snatched from its rack at the head of the main companionway .
29 His mouth tightened but he released her wrist , eyes glittering , and she ran up the stairs , into her bedroom , slammed the door , locked it , then knew with a terrible deep certainty that she had run from her own desire .
30 It emerged that she had suffered from mild diarrhoea and wind for some years , but had not thought it worth bothering the doctor about these minor problems .
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