Example sentences of "that [art] [noun prp] is [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We think that the UK is bullish in the years ahead and we are backing our judgement with further investment proposals . ’
2 Like many similar inquiries in recent years into Britain 's research spending , the report points out that the UK is unusual among many Western nations in the way it allocates its R&D .
3 The whole House should commend the conclusion of the Select Committee in paragraph 89 that the strategy must include ’ recognition that the UK is unlikely to succeed with clean coal technologies against foreign competition unless the Government is as supportive towards those technologies as competitors ' governments . ’
4 The user , whether the operator of the system when it is operational or the manager of the department it is aimed to help , can readily check that the DFD is accurate because it is so graphical .
5 These three decisions alone show the cutting-edge of semi-literacy winning over the high cultural standards that the BBC is supposed to stand for , and indeed the justification — the only one — for the subvention of over a billion pounds a year from the British taxpayer .
6 It is well known that the DTI is concerned about the impact of regulation on very small companies .
7 Yet , despite an increase of spending on health in the UK from 3¼ per cent of national income in 1948 to over 6 per cent ( of a much larger national income ) forty years later , it is alleged that the NHS is underfunded and periodically in a state of near collapse .
8 Problems with the hospital sector come most readily to the general public 's attention , contributing to a belief that the NHS is underfunded , and this has been exacerbated in parts of the South East by moves to distribute resources away from London and the South East ( based on the teaching hospitals ) in favour of the regions .
9 Robinson has a daughter who has to wait 12 months for an operation , it is no use telling her that 10 , 20 , or 25 years ago the situation was similar or much worse , because Mrs. Jones or Mrs. Robinson will still consider that the NHS is unsatisfactory today , and will naturally blame the Government .
10 Like others , he recognises too that the NHS is unique in the West as a relatively uniform , national , infrastructure that is ideal for clinical trials and other research .
11 We understand that the UKCC is anxious to achieve that , but we seek an assurance from the Minister that that will happen .
12 It merely argues that the CAPM is untestable .
13 Interestingly the resolution is below that of the Hi-Res screen displays on several of the computers that the Touchmaster is available for so it will be impossible to resolve to a single on , for example , the BBC Micro in Mode 0 .
14 AGR — agreed : All affected users have agreed that the DC is acceptable .
15 AGR — agreed All affected users have agreed that the DC is acceptable .
16 All affected users have agreed that the DC is acceptable .
17 The catapult works very much like a stone thrower as described in the Warhammer rules except that the Goblin is able to steer himself to his target and is therefore more accurate than a stone .
18 POWYS councillors are being recommended to approve the installation of a cattle grid at the Lake Vyrnwy Reserve , Y Gadfa , following representations from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , but only on condition that the RSPB is responsible for all the costs involved in the construction of the grid .
19 The fact that the Foreign Secretary has decided to intervene would indicate that the US is prepared to take a strong line , and to use its influence to force Unita to accept the Angolan reading of the agreement .
20 ‘ London may have faced the brunt of their criminal acts over the past few weeks but the attacks in Manchester clearly show that the IRA is prepared to strike anywhere , ’ he said .
21 The police will not escape criticism , but this will tend to be softened by the unacknowledged consensus that the RUC is essential to the security approach of both governments .
22 That is a clear indication that the RUC is even-handed in its pursuit of terrorists .
23 For Owen therefore there is no ‘ philosophical ’ objection to the goal of returning a pupil to school in the manner that the LEA is eager to encourage :
24 Do these figures prove the government 's case that the LDDC is good value for money ?
25 Western politicians have repeatedly made it clear that the PLO is unlikely to be allowed to represent Palestinian interests because of its supposed support for the Saddam Hussein regime .
26 The moment I heard there were rumours that the PLO is willing to be more moderate , that 's when I went on the first plane and went to Tunis .
27 But it is equally important to insist that the WEA is effective among an agricultural population …
28 Once again while discussing school/business links they would ensure that the TPS is high on the agenda .
29 If this shows that no SSP is due , fill in the Changeover form SSP1 and send it to your employee .
30 Thence it moves into existing management training — and every manager gets at least five days a year about managing people , in addition to the five days a year basic training that every IBMer is supposed to have .
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