Example sentences of "that [art] [noun] [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 Feeling uneasy , we turned to our Africa on a Shoestring handbook , learning that the Kalahari consists of some of the most arid and remote land in the world .
2 It is understood that the Queen approves of her nephew 's romance .
3 With the discovery of better-preserved material it became apparent that the graptolites consisted of rows of tiny cups which were interconnected by a common canal — they were colonial animals .
4 It was enacted that the vill should not be required to pay the cost of service beyond the county boundary , that the equipment required of troops should not go beyond that laid down in the Statute of Winchester , and that service overseas should not be required as an obligation of tenure .
5 It had been discovered that the atom consisted of a small , positively charged nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons .
6 These source rocks are the peridotites , and since geophysics tells us that the mantle consists of the same kind of material all over the world , it 's clear that melting part of the mantle beneath Hawaii should produce the same kind of rocks as those produced by melting part of the mantle beneath Iceland .
7 Before the case came to a hearing Parliament sought to improve the revenue 's position by enacting with retrospective effect section 47(1) of the Finance Act 1986 , but this proved ineffective for the purpose and on 31 July 1987 Nolan J. [ 1987 ] S.T.C. 654 decided that the regulations complained of were ultra vires and void in so far as they purported to provide for the imposition of tax on interests and dividends paid by building societies prior to 6 April 1986 , and made an order accordingly .
8 No amount of reflection on first principles will stop a Christian from assuming that the morality demanded of women , which in Islam he judges to be imposed by the physically stronger sex in its own interests , is in his own religion true to the equality of the sexes before God ; not until women become conscious of and vocal about their own interests does he appreciate that the difference from Islam has from the very first been only one of degree .
9 1745 " The Gentlemen befrementd. taking to Consideration That there are a great deal thefts Committed in this Country Doe to prevent & Discover the samen come to the following Resolutions , That The Chamber lain of Kildaltan & some of the princl .
10 1745 " The Gentlemen befrementd. taking to Consideration That there are a great deal thefts Committed in this Country Doe to prevent & Discover the samen come to the following Resolutions , That The Chamber lain of Kildaltan & some of the princl .
11 The plan and air photograph show that the village consists of two main units .
12 Investigation revealed the sale of at least 63 works in the past six months ; yesterday a source close to Charles Saatchi was prepared to concede that the volume of sales was higher than previously stated , and that the works disposed of account for some 10 to 12 per cent of the collection , which suggests a true figure of between 70 and 100 individual sales .
13 The early joint appearances of the Prince and Princess of Wales and their travels together confirmed that the public approved of the Prince 's choice .
14 In his judgment , Mr Justice Knox suggested that the practice was based on an incorrect interpretation of the law , and that the company disposing of the old asset also had to acquire the new asset .
15 Further , assume that the map consists of a sheet of neurones , with particular neurones corresponding to particular places , the pattern being geometrically similar to the environment being mapped .
16 'T IS unlikely that the king spoke of the matter to my mother or any other — save one ! ’
17 One unfortunate and totally false legend which has attached itself to the Tilford Bach Festival is the idea that the choir consists of local people .
18 Arriving for a show to find that the publicity consists of a couple of hand-drawn posters taped to the wall can be completely demoralising , but some of the mistakes promoters make are less obvious .
19 The appeals court found that the Koons copying of the photo was so complete that it went beyond the bounds of the ‘ fair use ’ doctrine , which allows artists , authors and journalists to ‘ quote ’ from other works .
20 What had to be demonstrated to the court was that the delay complained of had produced genuine prejudice and unfairness .
21 ‘ Obviously , what has to demonstrated to the court is that the delay complained of has produced genuine prejudice and unfairness .
22 Firbas goes on to explain that the non-theme consists of two elements : the transition and the rheme .
23 The position nevertheless remains that the possibility exists of parliamentary legislation inconsistent with the 1972 Act being preferred by an English court under the doctrine of implied repeal and , even if this possibility were removed , there would always remain the possibility of an express repeal , for notwithstanding this impressive accumulation of law and practice there is no shortage of political figures who insist that the sovereignty of the Parliament of the United Kingdom stands unimpaired , and plenty who are pledged to use that power to extract the United Kingdom from the coils of Europe in which they see it as enmeshed .
24 These matters confirm me in the view already expressed that the disturbance complained of in this case is not actionable .
25 The plaintiffs claim damages from a number of defendants , including the third defendant , under the following heads : ( 1 ) general damages for conspiracy ; ( 2 ) exemplary damages on the basis that the acts complained of were calculated to make a profit for the conspirators or their companies and constituted a cynical disregard for the plaintiffs ' rights ; and ( 3 ) damages for deceit as an alternative to damages for conspiracy .
26 In June 1959 , however , the last performance occurred at the Chiswick Empire which was then pulled down and the site redeveloped as a tower office block , originally named ‘ Empire House ’ , but later that name did not prove acceptable to some local government officials , who considered that the name smacked of imperialism , so the block now has only numbers in Chiswick High Road .
27 It excludes the interpretation that the door shut of its own accord , and so leads more explicitly to the conclusion that the door was shut by the shopman .
28 A nurse who was burgled while she slept says she 's disgusted that the man convicted of using her stolen chequebook has walked free from court .
29 A nurse who was burgled while she slept says she 's disgusted that the man convicted of using her stolen chequebook has walked free from court .
30 A nurse who was burgled while she slept says she 's disgusted that the man convicted of using her stolen chequebook has walked free from court .
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