Example sentences of "that [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 In 1950 , in a curious or consistent coincidence ( as Castedo Pointedly calls it $ , Pope Pius XII declared the Archangel Michael patron of police — a decision that may well diminish the archangel 's prestige in Latin America .
2 Rather , it is to say that Gusfield 's theory may continue to have explanatory power , particularly with regard to the initial motivation of participants in such a movement , and that where Wallis ' work is important is in pointing to the cultural concerns that may also underpin the rise of specific moral entrepreneurial groups .
3 Work like this requires continuing enthusiasm of a kind that may not outlast the departure of the original members , and their replacement with new people .
4 We have adopted aims that may not win the war against poverty , but we hope we 'll win battles to ease the burden on those older pensioners , especially those living alone on low incomes .
5 The one chain that may yet escape the decline is the John Lewis ( ‘ never knowingly undersold ’ ) Partnership , which continues to outrun its rivals .
6 There are two circumstances that may potentially reduce the diagnostic accuracy of this technique .
7 There is a danger that a voluntary organisation may become involved in trying to run services that should properly remain the responsibility of a statutory organisation .
8 But what Roger Cook and his researchers entirely failed to do was to use the interesting current developments within WWF to highlight a crucial debate of which we are all a part — namely the values that should now guide the work we do in our respective movements , and how to make those values germane and relevant to people the world over .
9 I clutch my wad of sketches that , one day , I hope to turn into pictures that might somehow express the essence of this strange topsy-turvy continent where , believe it or not , there are birds that are scared of heights .
10 America might be a superpower , as the Iranians kept saying , but Iran — as Hakim put it — was a ‘ super religious power ’ , one that might easily find the pretext of some religious occasion to persuade Hizbollah to set the captives free .
11 Curran also revealed that the Dublin soccer writers , most of whom appear to have written-off Derry 's challenge , have provided the motivation that might just make the difference .
12 It is a trick that might just save the life of the bird if a cat has caught it and then placed it on the ground for a moment before starting to pluck it .
13 ‘ I want to avoid creating ivory towers that might not benefit the coalface , ’ he says .
14 They explained that in no way could it have come from the plant because it had the best preventive system for any smell , dust or poisonous substances that might otherwise destroy the environment .
15 Dwarf-bean bushes grew contentedly beside cabbages , overlooked by climbing nasturtiums , grown to attract the insects that might otherwise attack the vegetables .
16 Hitherto he had felt such a step to be premature , and one that might dangerously provoke the USSR .
17 I said , and it is engraved on my mind , ‘ you should get an inorganic chemist to make some interesting compounds that might possibly show the dd fusion and wait .
18 A RESEARCHER with IBM has come up with a device that might possibly replace the transistor in integrated circuit devices .
19 ‘ Maybe that would help the lower ranked people to have the motivation and to get eager , ’ she added , while acknowledging that might merely have the effect of less ambitious ones accepting good money for being relative failures .
20 Reflecting on the missed chance that could yet change the whole course of Wexford 's season John O'Connor said : ‘ I did n't feel any pressure .
21 It has also pledged the pair to establishing NT-on-Alpha as ‘ a premier RISC-based systems platform ’ and has them promising machines ‘ that could fundamentally change the face of computing ’ as we know it .
22 Grim and forbidding were the two well-used words that came to mind as she looked up at the building for the first time ; but there were no words that could easily describe the helpless terror that she felt as the side-gate opened before them and the ambulance had driven through .
23 What is the point of having a bomb that could instantly destroy the city of Glasgow ?
24 " She seemed a thing that could not feel The touch of earthly years . "
25 Finally there was the ticket for the left-luggage office at Paddington station , something that could only cross the Atlantic by hand .
26 That is an issue that could usefully form the basis of a CD compilation .
27 The US International Trade Commission has upheld the ridiculous decision that Japanese manufacturers are dumping active matrix liquid crystal displays on the US market to the detriment of a handful of tiny US manufacturers that could never meet the demand from the likes of Apple Computer Inc and IBM Corp , but that alleged dumping of electroluminescent displays has not hurt the US electronics industry ; the active matrix displays carry prohibitive 62.7% tariffs , which apply to imported screens but not to assembled machines that include them , while the electroluminescent displays carried only a 7% tariff .
28 Two sets of findings in particular suggest preventive strategies that could considerably reduce the prevalence of acute psychotic episodes .
29 The US General Accounting Office ( 1979 ) sampled 243 monitoring stations and revealed that 81 per cent had one or more problems that could adversely affect the accuracy and reliability of air quality data .
30 It seems reasonable to assume that changes in the steady-state responses , as measured in the above experiments , reflect alterations that would also affect the response to synaptically released L-glutamate ( for example , changes in the number , or conductance properties , of AMPA receptors ) .
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