Example sentences of "that [modal v] have [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 In the genre terms , that ought to have made him unassailable .
2 Gooch has been unwell for several weeks , playing in the first Test at Calcutta with a chest infection that should have ruled him out , missing the three-day match at Vishakhapatnam because he still felt weak , and then pulling out of the second Test at Madras after his infamous encounter with a poisonous prawn .
3 Who was he , this man who knew her name , who got up from a collision that should have killed him outright , and still managed to outrun a healthy man ?
4 The door was slammed wide , and he came at her with the speed of the vehicle that should have killed him two nights before .
5 The shot that should have finished him never came .
6 With a shoe clutched in each hand he was unable to make a grab for the rougher stones that might have saved him from disaster .
7 It was a time for thanking God that Matthew had turned his back on the badness that might have dragged him down .
8 One of his strange exploits among other frolics , was having a coffin made of copper ( which one of his mines had that year produced ) , and placed in the great hall , and instead of his making use of it as a monitor that might have made him ashamed and terrified at his past life , and induce him to make amends in future , it was filled with punch , and he and his comrades soon made themselves incapable of any sort of reflection ; this was often repeated , and hurried him on to that awful moment he had so much reason to dread .
9 And he simply could not think of anything that might have made him become a Muslim .
10 He set his teeth against every concession that might have got him his liberty , bent on doing Isambard 's work for him , as Isambard had all along intended he should .
11 In 1914 Watson left National Cash Register under a cloud of monopoly and competitive charges that might have put him in jail .
12 This time there was plenty of evidence that could have saved him the trouble of the trip .
13 He was n't privy to any really sensitive stuff that could have put him in danger — that 's according to my liaison fella in SIS . ’
14 Mr Major was saved from a crushing defeat that could have forced him to quit after several leading Tory Eurosceptics yielded to unprecedented arm-twisting from Government whips and constituency chairmen to back down .
15 He smiled for a long moment into the raging eyes that would have struck him dead if they could .
16 But if she 'd wanted to she could easily have told him something that would have stopped him dead in his tracks .
17 CHINA 'S hardline vice-president Wang Zhen died yesterday , just days before a meeting of parliament that would have retired him from his post .
18 At the other end the Vice-President of the United States of America used language for several minutes that would have lost him the votes of the Moral Majority , had those good citizens had the opportunity to hear him .
19 Hardy lacked the social confidence to make his way in professional circles , and also the formal education that would have enabled him to follow Horace Moule , his close friend from Dorchester days , to university and a career in the church .
20 Driving with difficulty through torrential rain while thunder and lightning crashed overhead , Jack found himself in a narrow West Country lane , realising that he had missed the turning that would have brought him back on to the main road .
21 Francis could have been involved in something a bit shady but nothing that would have brought him within range of any violence .
22 The sort of thing that would have delighted him a few months ago — he would have chuckled over its witty irreverence , and imagined with pleasure Clare 's shock and embarrassment had she come across it .
23 The one thing that would have persuaded him to accept an invitation for the Stuttgart Ballet to go to South Africa would have been if he could show a really good black dancer working alongside the whites .
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