Example sentences of "that [conj] we [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The first problem is that although we claim we no longer look at such concepts of ‘ fault ’ and ‘ who 's to blame ’ when dishing out the money , or the children — even judges now realize that most marriage break-ups have two guilty parties — the law still forces one spouse to complain about the other .
2 It is not that once we know something we commit ourselves to it but that knowing something is itself a commitment .
3 ‘ The principle is that once we find we can do something that makes us feel good , we repeat it , ’ he explains .
4 " We wo n't know that until we ask them , will we , and I doubt if they 'll refuse you shelter .
5 ‘ I ca n't really answer that until we see what we find when we get him on the table .
6 Barth thought that if we knew what we meant by the word ‘ God ’ , then God must exist .
7 But it is not true that if we know which drug to prescribe , we know all that is necessary to know about schizophrenia .
8 It might be that before you start that if we training you need to see what the performance gap actually is .
9 And he — that is , he and Goibniu , thought that if we asked you — well , consulted you — you might provide a spell to get her free , ’ said Caspar .
10 Another contributor said that if we asked ourselves the question : ‘ Do the agencies discriminate against West Belfast ? ’ , the answer had to be ‘ yes ’ .
11 And I suspect that if we offered them counselling from cater good catering advice on how to maximise their market return they 'll do it because I would n't hang about for a meal if I knew that they would n't give you a meal in fifteen minutes , I 'd go and eat somewhere else .
12 I 'm prepared to hazard a guess that if we searched your belongings we 'd find a perfectly respectable tube of toothpaste there . ’
13 We must remember that if we want something badly enough , persistence will win the day .
14 I have argued that if we allow our concept of special educational provision , and hence of the support teacher 's role , to be limited to the ‘ individual ’ approach then the danger is that , not only will our own sights be limited in the measures we adopt to meet special educational needs , but our work may act as a substitute for more fundamental changes that are required .
15 We must accept that if we overindulge our eating , in itself this is not a disaster .
16 So this now leaves us with the view that if we reduce our intake of all fat our health will certainly benefit and so will our waistlines .
17 No doubt we were all thinking he was crazy , or that if we stopped we 'd be late for work .
18 We find , in our day-to-day constituency work , that if we complain we are asked — quite understandably — to produce more facts : we are asked for the basis of the complaint .
19 What do we already do well that the National Curriculum planners have neglected — remembering that if we think we do something well we need to be able to look closely , give reasons , describe in detail .
20 My view would be that it does nothing of the sort and that if we think it does we delude ourselves .
21 So then I got back on to Gwyllam and said that if we provided our own caravan , would you someone there be willing to do the from site to site and he said that would n't be a problem .
22 Is it certain that if we divide it in alternative ways , and attach a value to the parts in each case , the sum will always be the same ?
23 As the benefit money came in we sent a lot of it out to Suzie 's parents — we thought that if we found something we wanted to buy out there and did choose to emigrate , having the money out there in the first place would make it all that much easier .
24 NLP ( neuro-linguistic programming ) suggests that if we give ourselves one option , we become a robot ; with two choices , we have a dilemma ; but with three or more options , we have a choice .
25 We fail so utterly to reward responsible married women that if we give anything at all to single mothers we appear to be placing a premium — ‘
26 Anuvver fing is that if we do 'im over 'e wo n't 'ave the strength ter struggle free too soon after we 've gone .
27 ‘ We still have this idea that if we do something morally wrong , or what They said was wrong , there 'll be some kind of Divine Retribution , ’ said William .
28 We only know that if we treat it in the right way it will enable us to do wonderful things .
29 I told Mike Teague beforehand that if we lost it would mean the end of the road for a few of us . ’
30 I think that if we leave it
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