Example sentences of "that [conj] it [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They also held that where it was observed it was unduly restrictive .
2 Mr. Collins said that once it was accepted that Lautro operated in the public domain in the public interest , then certain consequences had also to be accepted .
3 I 'm glad you mentioned that cos it was given to me by the wife of the steeplechase handicap a very important man today cos for more than
4 To say that if it were raining the balcony would be wet is to say this : among possible worlds where it is raining , the one which overall is most like our actual world is also one in which the balcony is wet .
5 One source of this theory , to continue in terms of the example , is the truth that if it were raining , more other things would be different than that the balcony was wet .
6 What we have as premiss for the dependent conditional that if it were raining the balcony would be wet is roughly this : in that possible world most like our own in which it is raining , the balcony is wet .
7 The magnification tells you how much larger an object looks that if it were viewed with the naked eye .
8 Eamon Wilson , The Beeches , Portadown , is alleged to have conspired with a person or persons unknown to make a threat to Sean McIvor , making him fear that if it were carried out he would be killed .
9 There have been commentators who have said that if it were introduced , it would be much more effective if it were introduced throughout the island .
10 Tom Watson believes that if it were located in the middle of the course , it would not be as difficult .
11 I wish my right hon. Friend luck in his negotiations over the common agricultural policy , but I do not believe that if it were modified , as a result of my right hon. Friend 's efforts , to suit all our needs , the British farming industry would be able to take sufficient advantage of the improved conditions if its own marketing arrangements had not also been improved .
12 His conclusion on behalf of the Liberal Party was that the new Clause was ‘ substantially defective ’ , that if it was limited to ‘ prohibition on promoting homosexuality by teaching or by publishing material I would support it , but it is not , so I shall not support it . ’
13 They had approached a GLC body , the Greater London Enterprise Board ( GLEB ) , for money and been told that if it was to put money in , an established business person had to be involved .
14 ( 2 ) Directing that the money remain in court , that , where solicitors sought payment out to them of money belonging to a foreign state , if the court was not satisfied that the solicitors had authority to act on behalf of that state , it should , of its own motion if necessary , require them to obtain that authority and ensure that the money remained under the court 's control meanwhile ; that the factors to be taken into account in deciding whether a regime existed as the government of a state were whether it was the constitutional government of the state , the degree , nature and stability of administrative control that it exercised over the territory of the state , whether Her Majesty 's Government had any dealings with it and the nature of any such dealings and , in marginal cases , the extent of its international recognition as the government of the state ; that on the evidence , M. 's interim government did not become the constitutional successor of the former government and was unable to show that if it was exercising any administrative control over the territory of the Republic of Somalia ; and , accordingly , the instructions and authority the solicitors had received from the interim government were not from the Government of the Republic of Somalia , and no part of the proceeds in court should be paid out to the solicitors without further order of the court ( post , pp. 750G–H , 757E–G ) .
15 After a troubled night I went to Government House next morning and said to HE that I was convinced that this would be a disastrous step and that if it was decided to take it I must resign on the spot and announce in public my reasons for doing so .
16 Walsh thought that if it was left to the others they would go on talking for ever .
17 It would seem that great pains were taken to ensure that the potential division among Incomer/Shetlander lives would not be spoken about , and that if it was spoken about in a public forum , the arrival of incomers would be made to look less ominous .
18 And I mean I think that if it was spread more I mean if if if people locally gave more to bereaved in their own areas , I mean it would go down a lot more good there .
19 There remains only the applicant 's general argument that since it was acknowledged that the publicity of an adverse verdict in the Barclays ( Asia ) trial might prejudice his defence of the B.M.F.L. charges , the obvious course was to eliminate the risk by reversing the order of trials .
20 Also , as the first signatory of the motion , may I say that since it was tabled statements have been made to me about the involvement of Stella Rimington and Mr. Roger Windsor of the National Union of Mineworkers .
21 It also said that while it was committed to the IBMulator business , it plans to expand its open systems products line because demand is increasing in that field .
22 Amdahl Corp is not known as an IBMulator for nothing : it too is cutting its dividend — to five cents a share this year from a dime last year , in an effort to conserve its capital base : the company , which reported a first quarter $240m loss after a $243m restructuring charge — figures , page seven — said its revenues were lower than expected because of soft economic conditions and competitive pressure on prices ; it also said that while it was committed to the IBMulator business , it plans to expand its open systems products line because demand is increasing in that field ; it is also enhancing our Huron applications development and production system , which creates applications that run without change in both proprietary and open environments and on both large and desktop systems , the company added , saying that its objective is to turn Huron into an industry standard and to develop a growing business in open systems for large-scale computing .
23 I know that whether it was trying to dig him up for some doubles at Kyalami or just dropping in on him aboard the Queen Mary , I always called up first to make sure he was not otherwise engaged , and I can recall many times when James appeared at the track looking benign but far from fresh .
24 Where a road which bears all the marks of having been laid out by the enclosure commissioners makes , at longish intervals , a sudden right-angled bend , sometimes two bends in quick succession , one can be pretty certain that though it was planned by the commissioners it follows an even older line from one village to the next , a line which had deviated in the same way around the heads of medieval furlongs .
25 And I know I was madly , madly involved with the symphony to the extent that when it was done — and it is one of the few works I say this of — I would not dare touch it again .
26 One well in Bondgate stank so much that when it was drained the decomposed body of a three-month-old baby was found .
27 I think this is one of the chairman because there was so many horrendous forecasts in the summer and autumn about the S S A that when it was announced you know we thought it was goods news and of course it was n't , erm so this is why they 're trying to be prudent and we have kept in our proposals to the erm , has already mentioned that er , thank god , the er democratic growth has been covered this year and so on , erm , plenty of other things that we would like to see erm to comply with the government 's own legislation erm but they where with all .
28 What upset charities is that when it was made law here , the Department of Trade and Industry decided to make the ruling stricter and to include second-hand toys .
29 If the document is to be regarded technically as a matter of law , as a codicil , of course it need not contain any appointment of executors , but the position still is that when it was signed by Mr. Winterbone it did not contain any effective disposition at all .
30 He could obtain a ‘ Charging Order ’ giving him a charge over Dunn 's house so that when it was sold his debt was paid out of the proceeds .
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