Example sentences of "that [adv] though [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We seldom discussed politics but I knew that even though they belonged officially to a Fascist organization their sentiments were more inclined to the local brand of Communism .
2 He said that even though they had been given advance warning of Sam 's health problems during a scan three months before he was born , nothing prepared them for the shock .
3 The article , written by a man , said that even though we do n't like to admit it , men pay for women in restaurants , expecting sex in return .
4 I must admit that even though we do n't get on — I mean , we still have our ups and downs — all through my remand and prison sentence she visited me .
5 Johnson returned to this case now in Aberdeen , saying that even though he understood how difficult it would be to ensure accurate evidence , it still did not make it right that a murderer should go unpunished .
6 When it passes out of his hands , Gollum is so eaten up with desire for the Ring that even though he has become evil he helps Frodo find Mount Doom in order to stay with the Ring .
7 She was able to organize her day so that even though she seemed to be less harassed than Maggie the meals were always delicious and on time .
8 ‘ No ! ’ said Ellie , almost too emphatically , afraid that even though she did not know her own mind , he might withdraw his offer .
9 Now I 'm gon na leave it there , 'cos one thing that 's emerged is that even though you 've had this sheet with the diagram to tell you how to do it , you ca n't do you ca n't do it yet .
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