Example sentences of "that [adv] [noun] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 My father had shot one , as had the Duke of Gloucester during a hunting safari he made to Chelalo in the Arussi mountains after Haile Selassie 's coronation ; otherwise , few Europeans had even seen a mountain nyala , soft was a prize that both Haig-Thomas and I were keen to secure .
2 It had become clear to me that both Leslie and I had changed — not in essentials , but we had grown up .
3 I am sure we all have one objective in mind , which is how we can best serve our members , and I 'm sure that both Richard and I are of the same view on this .
4 ‘ You have been very brave , Miss Morgan , and I want you to know that both Craig and I are very grateful , a gratitude that will be shown in practical terms as soon as possible . ’
5 And so demanding was Doctor Who that both Barry and I were working sixty- and seventy-hour weeks in those days , consistently .
6 The fact that both Linda and I were abused makes it worse because I want to help her , I want to comfort her , I want to care for her , but by doing that I 've got to forget about what 's happening to me .
7 The tracks are indeed of jarv , a shy , elusive animal that neither Tony nor I have ever seen .
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