Example sentences of "that [pron] were [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Would you agree that you were responsible for the sound of the ‘ new ’ Fleetwood Mac ?
2 Then , almost angrily , she asked him , ‘ Why should I believe that you were afraid for me ?
3 The dishes finally finished and stowed in their racks , it appeared that we were free for a blessed couple of hours : reassembly on the dot of five-thirty .
4 She says that they were desperate for food , and the pike fed them for two days .
5 It is sour grapes , they say , because the candidates no doubt sent in many copies of their CV without response ; fell by the wayside in competition with better candidates ; failed to convince the would-be employer that they were right for the job ; or were just plain unlucky and not in the right place at the right time .
6 The controversy received a new lease of life in March 1983 when the Irish Farmers Monthly published a confidential , internal IBM report and claimed that up to 2,000 acres of agricultural land near the mine were so badly contaminated with lead , zinc and arsenic that they were unsuitable for agriculture .
7 But he insisted that they were due for a cold meal yesterday .
8 It was Fred Wilton who devised the theory that if carp were offered HNV baits over a long enough period , i.e. through extensive pre-baiting , they would eventually recognise that they were good for them , and seek out these baits in preference to low protein types such as bread , worms , potatoes or , indeed , even natural food .
9 A man who grew 1,659 cannabis plants said he was a ‘ heavy smoker ’ and claimed that they were all for his own use .
10 Note that there is no implication that this ‘ quality check ’ found the modules to be of particularly high quality : merely that they were fit for the purpose intended for the baseline .
11 L. B. Clarence , a Supreme Court judge , felt that juries often reached the wrong verdict and that they were inappropriate for Sri Lanka .
12 The arrangement was that they were happy for members of the family to come into the business and , in a sense , find their own level .
13 All the Iraqi people with whom we met assured us that they were eager for negotiations in order to avoid war , but said that they would not take orders from George Bush , and that none of the parties should insist on any conditions to the holding of these negotiations .
14 Historically records have usually been preserved because organisations thought that they were important for their own work , and departing from this principle might well create more problems than it would solve .
15 The bottom line argument against heritage languages was always that they were bad for the children .
16 He brought an action against the chairman and secretary of the club , as officers of the club , claiming that they were liable for the injuries he had sustained by reason of the condition of the club 's premises .
17 So my friend rang the hospital so that they were ready for me .
18 She phoned ITU , and then told Jesus that they were ready for his patient .
19 But when we came to the Old Town , the Marshal and Sapt moved nearer to my horse , and I could see that they were afraid for me .
20 The Burgundians thought that eating too many potatoes caused leprosy , the Prussians believed that they were responsible for the dreaded consumption , whilst the Russians simply said that they were food sent from the devil .
21 This shift in emphasis has taken place partly because the restrictions on the use of organo-chloride pesticides introduced in the 1960s have enabled some of the more extreme threats to wildlife preservation to recede and partly because pesticide manufacturers countered nature conservationist claims that they were responsible for the reduction in bird population by arguing that hedgerow and woodland removal could be the prime culprits .
22 If they did , they would be forced to answer parliamentary questions and they might find that they were responsible for feeding the refugee population .
23 Dissident Shia groups were also reported on Jan. 9 to have claimed that they were responsible for killing a group of senior air force officers during an attack on air force headquarters in Baghdad .
24 The prosecution admitted that Gbagbo and his coaccused had not themselves committed any crimes , but argued that they were responsible for the violence committed that day .
25 He talked of the Governor Support Unit and I 'd like to remind Councillor and his group that they were responsible for taking over a hundred posts out of the administrative section of .
26 EC Foreign Ministers had on Nov. 4 told their five Arab Maghreb Union ( AMU ) counterparts , with whom they were meeting in Brussels , that they were unable for the time being to lift the sanctions that restricted arms sales to and diplomatic relations with Libya .
27 — helping to get clients to bed , and seeing that they were safe for the night .
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