Example sentences of "that [pron] are [v-ing] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You must give the exact critical values , right , if those critical values that you are using to compare with the regressionally significant whether you have serial correlation or not erm so they 're very very important and they ought to be included erm because otherwise we do n't know whether a test statistic is er statistically significant or not .
2 " Just say that you are writing to confirm that you want a detailed report because the matter is of such importance to so many people , and are prepared to wait for it .
3 ‘ When I got your letter , I made a few enquiries and discovered that you are intending to practise from Broom House .
4 The fact that you have thought things through instead of just feeling totally inadequate and that you are trying to do something about it should help you feel more positive .
5 If you find that something that you are trying to do results in the program crashing then , before you start to curse the programmer , you should first try to find out if what you are doing is reasonable .
6 You know so that you are trying to do that .
7 ‘ We had a band chat and for ages we were saying we should not do merchandising at all , because it is a sign that you are a really big band and that you are trying to cash in .
8 Each causes you to observe what it is that you are trying to remember .
9 It is important to remember that it is not the spelling of individual words that you are trying to teach , but the basic spelling patterns , so that pupils can spell correctly words they have n't been taught but want to write .
10 It may be legal but did what do you think the chances are that the programmer who created your application anticipated the way that you are trying to use the program .
11 The format version of the header of the module that you are trying to update is less than 2.3 .
12 It seems far more important to me to provide an effective and clear demonstration of those virtues of the product that you are trying to put across than to lose the proposition in the attempt to set up a credible context for it .
13 Truthfulness in these circumstances really does mean ensuring that the point that you are trying to get across has been received .
14 Or maybe results that you are trying to achieve are being put at risk by their behaviour .
15 The support from one 's functional colleagues requires first of all a high degree of mutuality of respect for each other 's expertise and a shared acceptance of the objective that you are trying to achieve .
16 The second needle will therefore not be in the correct position to receive a stitch , so you will drop one of each pair that you are trying to transfer .
17 What is it that you are trying to tell me ?
18 What 's probably happening is that you are trying to tell them you are annoyed but also saying you still want them to like you at the same time .
19 So why not join us , knowing that you are helping conserve the British countryside for yourself and generations to come ?
20 I hope that you are beginning to see why it 's important for you to be able to explain what you believe and why you believe it .
21 If this occurs then be encouraged , it means that you are beginning to get your presentation right .
22 Take pains to present a smart , efficient appearance and to show that you are beginning to master your subject .
23 one of the nice parts about this is that you are getting paid on ninety percent cycle .
24 When we talk about our reductions , we will get to a point where the reductions that are being proposed to you , actually conflict with a number of policy directions that you are wanting to go in , and we 'll flag those up to you .
25 But what else is it , Dorothea thought anxiously , what else is it that you are wanting to do ?
26 It may be that you are wanting to get on and be involved in something new for God .
27 We are glad that you are coming to share in our National Conference on 10–12 March at the Scottish Churches House , Dunblane .
28 Suppose that you claim to know that you are sitting reading a book .
29 However the argument does nothing to suggest that you do not understand the proposition that you are sitting reading a book .
30 Nor should you be reluctant to let it be known that you are contemplating buying from another retail outlet , as the fear of losing a sale to a rival may well have a favourable impact on the price .
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