Example sentences of "that [pron] was time [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , there was general agreement on all sides that Sandys had overstepped the line between sensible and imprudent change , and that it was time to shift the emphasis away from the nuclear end of the spectrum of War and back to a more balanced , central position .
2 But I knew that it was time to leave , and we said goodbye to them on New Year 's Eve .
3 He , like the Prince 's detective John McLean and several other staff who served the Prince during his bachelorhood , knew that it was time to leave once he was safely married .
4 All those things that had once appealed to every instinct inside her for excitement failed to arouse anything but a nagging desire to look at her watch and wonder what time she could reasonably convince André that it was time to leave .
5 Despite the fact that she had been deeply touched by the open friendliness of the Greek couple , it came almost as a relief when finally Niall signalled that it was time to leave .
6 When Davies converted a penalty three minutes into the second half , Oxford realised that it was time to take matters into their own hands .
7 I realised that it was time to take back control over my children 's lives and I joined the city wide anti-dampness campaign instead .
8 After nine years exploring a new operation for large bowel disease we considered that it was time to take stock and objectively evaluate the merit of restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis , familial adenomatous polyposis , and functional bowel disorders .
9 His narrow escape at Petit-Clamart finally convinced the General that it was time to take action to meet both dangers at once .
10 They spent the rest of the afternoon in animated discussion — so animated that Folly had gently to point out to her employee that it was time to lock up .
11 It took 30 minutes of argument , a great deal of soothing of apparently hurt professional pride , and not a little money to persuade Chela that it was time to call it a night , alone .
12 She knew that it was time to ease off , do n't push too hard , just wait and let it come out .
13 The wind that day had been increasing with the approach of bad weather and the instructor , who had decided that it was time to stop , was towing the glider to the hangar .
14 They want to be slim of course , yet after months or years of dieting failure you would think that it was time to stop trying .
15 Truman commented that it was time to stop " babying the Soviets " .
16 Today Gloucestershire MPs Geoffrey Clifton Brown and Paul Marland told social security ministers that it was time to stop the flood of so-called easy money to travellers who were n't interested in working
17 Today Gloucestershire MPs Geoffrey Clifton Brown and Paul Marland told social security ministers that it was time to stop the flood of so-called easy money to travellers who were n't interested in working
18 It had been , however briefly , a time when her body and her mind had fitted together so tidily and wholely that , waking up one morning and deciding that it was time to go back to Oxford and visit her mother , was neither traumatic nor casual , but straightforward .
19 He also remembered the goose pimples that appeared on his arms as the evening grew cooler , and how he did n't suggest they went inside because he was afraid she would say that it was time to go .
20 I do n't remember waking up with the blinding realization that it was time to go : it was more like a very gradual awareness that there simply was n't an alternative .
21 In late August I was finishing my day at the heart clinic , where I had been working for several months , when I decided that it was time to go .
22 Amiss had a fruitless stab at trying to imagine Joan , Kate or Mary tumbling with Ramsbum and then wisely concluded that it was time to go to bed .
23 The latter decided that it was time to visit the bridge and examine the suspect area .
24 With about half a mile to go Elliott decided that it was time to make a move , and in a matter of a few strides Phar Lap had stormed up from last to first .
25 After lots of requests , the company decided that it was time to develop an armoured car for the average American .
26 After completing a tour of the baroque wonders of Prague , I decided that my detour from the Danube had lasted long enough , and that it was time to head south again .
27 The BX 4x4 Estate , yesterday a safari vehicle , became today a Grand Tourer as we made our farewell circuit through picturesque villages and bustling market towns until we arrived at the old spa resort of Buxton , said to be the highest town in England , where we had , reluctantly , to admit that it was time to head for home .
28 The BX 4×4 Estate , yesterday a safari vehicle , became today a Grand Tourer as we made our farewell circuit through picturesque villages and bustling market towns until we arrived at the old spa resort of Buxton , said to be the highest town in England , where we had reluctantly to admit that it was time to head for home .
29 He had decided that it was time to think things through and settle them once and for all , but whenever he started thinking about Zeinab thoughts became memories of touch and smell and look and emotion and he became most unsettled .
30 Ace decided that it was time to fetch the Doctor .
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