Example sentences of "that [pron] might [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 imply that I might soon have funds . ’
2 I realized that I might actually have a sin .
3 I mention these examples thankfully — they are all to do with spiritual direction and have brought learning that I might never have received within one tradition alone .
4 ‘ She left no clues , you see , so no one really considered that she might just have run away . ’
5 But as he walked at her side through the dark halls of the Grail Castle , he remembered , and wished not to remember , that she might well have within her the strange power that could awaken all manner of sleeping bewitchments and lost enchantments .
6 And on they sped so swiftly that she might almost have cried out with Ostanes , less in trepidation than delight , ‘ Save me , O God , for I stand between two exalted brilliances …
7 And then , before she could realise what he was at and pull away , his lips brushed hers , so gently , so fleetingly that she might almost have dreamed it .
8 She peered out of the window again , hoping that she might perhaps have imagined the scene below , but Miss Hardbroom had not moved and was now almost hidden from view by the smoke .
9 It was the risk of getting caught and then losing any chance that she might ever have of getting her hands on Charlie 's ledger information .
10 She often worried about her feelings for David , but the thought that she might never have known him made her feel almost ill .
11 I appreciate that you might recently have sent information on your sponsorship opportunities to the Advisory Service on the old-style pink forms but I would ask you to provide the information again on the new form .
12 But if they were short , they would keep you on until they could get another man from a different station , so that you might only have two hours off .
13 The idea that we might feel , that we might be angry , that we might care , that we might even have what are disparagingly known as ‘ gut feelings ’ rather than hard scientific evidence , is held to be something of a problem if you are an environmentalist on the road to success .
14 How distressed and worried is industry in those regions that we might mistakenly have a Labour Government , which would do so much damage to inward investment ?
15 The whole thing sometimes appears such an enigma that there might almost have been a conspiracy of silence .
16 Nuadu glanced at this and saw that there might once have been verdant greenery , perhaps even a small forest .
17 He had felt the need , though , to take into account the super-sensitive relations between these two teams , and if the biggest surprise was that he had addressed gentle caution to the English management as well , they having been innocent , faraway onlookers during the shenanigans , it was because he recognised that they too nursed feelings of exasperation and he imagined that they might soon have burst uncontrollably into flames .
18 In the faintest of whispers the parents try to give comfort , try to quieten : for a moment it seems that they might even have to stifle .
19 He reached for his cup , and there was Julian with the flagon lifted , ready to refill both his and Hotspur 's , so silently and impassively that they might almost have dreamed her into the fringes of their conference , but for the fourth cup which had appeared beside theirs , and which she was also filling to the brim .
20 Devlin 's hand swung up , he fired three rounds so close together that they might almost have been one .
21 There were also pages of poems forced into some sort of rhyming structure so that they might conceivably have worked as songs , several paragraphs of references to critical works ( Barthes , especially ; Death of the Author ! shouted what looked like a headline over one entire page of notes devoted to ideas about a looseleaf novel/poem ? ?
22 The only way this impinged on the message Macmillan had been taking up to the generals in the front-line was that they might now have to prepare even more urgently for military operations to reinforce allied policy .
23 And British Gas have asked us in the particular area to utilise the facilities that are in the area erm to the best , and give two hundred youngsters the opportunity that they might never have had .
24 The picture was of such clarity that it might even have been a photograph .
25 We see here a move away from the view that deviance is simply what people so label , to the notion that it might also have something to do with the acts that ‘ deviants ’ engage in .
26 So persistent was the language that it had become no more remarkable than just another wayward manner of speaking and their sons paid so little attention to it that it might well have been one of the many private languages of love .
27 Through the arch too , I see the dark water of a deep wide moat ; so dark , indeed , is the water that it might well have remained unstirred since the days of the ‘ brave Lord Willoughby' ’ . '
28 There was evidence of rivets in it and an X-ray revealed traces of a metal covering , which confirmed to experts that it might well have come from the gable end of just such a shrine , and that it could well have been the piece described by the father of Welsh historical research .
29 Tocqueville 's Democracy in America is , as has been noted , essentially a study of American society , and one commentator has even suggested that it might better have been called Equality in America .
30 Then his good mood evaporated so entirely that it might never have been .
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