Example sentences of "that [pron] need a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I mean is this your is this your polite way of telling me that I need a bath .
2 I must have recognized that I needed a change ; for no reason short of extreme exhaustion would have induced me to alter my plans with Eliot .
3 The other day I had a visit from the ‘ music man ’ who told me that I needed a licence to play music in my shop .
4 But after the cauliflower curry , a couple of pounds of onion rings and six bottles of Kingfisher , I told him that I needed a place to stay out of sight for a few days .
5 I took more time off than usual after the World Championships , feeling that I needed a break .
6 The official told me that the form was not enough and that I needed a letter from my dad saying he lived alone .
7 Erm well I think she felt that she needed a bit of life cover , you know , with the children and so on and so forth .
8 She found his sophistication so overwhelming that she needed a space in order to assimilate all the things he was introducing into her life .
9 What she did n't want to admit was that she needed a man in it .
10 She did n't know whether to assure him that she needed a dose of his big prick , or a damn good spanking .
11 I know of a young female who had to show a leading hand a tampon out of her pocket , to prove that she needed a toilet .
12 She managed to slip the skirt over her head gingerly and settle it in place with its ribbon ties , but she realised that she needed a maid to lace up the front of the separate bodice for her .
13 Can the Prime Minister tell the House how he squares his vision of a classless Britain with the experience of a constituent of mine from Fulwood , who was told last May that she needed a hip replacement but that she would have to wait 14 months for the operation under the national health service , and who was told that she could have had the operation immediately had she been able to cough up £4,300 ?
14 She was still bent to the Dobermann when she discovered that she needed a moment to control a knot of emotion that came from the thought that she would see neither the dog nor its owner again .
15 If you do n't tell them that you need to pick that up and if you do n't tell them that you need a banker 's order to take the rest of the payments out
16 You mention that you need a bit more ‘ oomph ’ in your sound , but this wo n't necessarily be obtained by replacing the pickups .
17 I said Well I 'm sorry you 'd better refer to my solicitor who 's told me that you need a court order .
18 Really that you need a space for dates .
19 Two er requirements for the future that er seem to be er er desirable are stealth and what could be stealthier than the present generation of aircraft and secondly to prevent you having to go over your target you 're likely to be shot down so that you need a stand up weapon capability , er if the payload is somewhat limited can it still carry stand off weapons that are effective ?
20 With these unrealistic expectations I 'm not sure who stands to lose the most — my daughter believing that you need a man , wealth and preferably a title to be happy , or my son who believes that women are beautiful and passive or wicked and powerful but , either way , he 'd better be handsome .
21 but er , as you say erm , really it 's such a long journey that you need a breather before you need to start to cross the channel
22 It seems to me that you need a lot of courage , or a lot of something , to enter into others , into other people .
23 Certainly , I mean , something you should be aware of , however , if you 're using colour coding , if you 're using symbols and abbreviations , is the minute that you need a key to understand your own abbreviations and your , or what the colours mean , you 're wasting time .
24 ‘ You train for so long and so hard that you need a break afterwards .
25 Be warned though , it does n't work on all PC speakers — there are one or two in the office that emit a sound of some sort , but so quietly that you need a hearing aid to catch anything at all .
26 Perhaps , to start with , you 'd like to tell me why you felt that you needed a bolt-hole ?
27 Once we recognise that holists and individualists are pursuing separate interests , it becomes clear that we need a scheme which will accommodate them both , and I have argued that the Annales school offers us the seeds of such an approach .
28 Kellmer Pringle argues that we need a concept of responsible and informed parenthood and a recognition that the ability and willingness to undertake the responsibilities of parenthood are not dependent on , or necessarily a consequence of , biological parenthood .
29 We may conclude that violence is such a wide term that we need a typology , each item of which may have its own consequences and causes and so be best dealt with by different interventions .
30 The obvious reply to this argument is that we need a reason to accept a decision reached behind this veil of ignorance , and the claim that no decision would be reached behind a differently constructed veil of ignorance is not such a reason unless it has already been shown , as it has not in fact , that we are bound by the results of some veil of ignorance , whatever it may be .
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