Example sentences of "that [pron] have [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She knew nothing of the future other than that it was an inhospitable fog that no-one had any choice but to enter , but she was certain that there was a scene all laid-out and waiting for her where she brought in the name of the man — or woman — who 'd first talked to Chrissie and then run her down .
2 Not that I 've any time for him any longer — going on like that when his poor wife was near her time . ’
3 Not that I 've any time for that widow of his .
4 Would that I had such help as men must have ,
5 No matter that I had little knowledge of regional variety .
6 I commented to Miklós that I had little hope of the New World solving the problems of the Old when it could not face up to its own difficulties .
7 ‘ They said that I had enough equity to qualify for a multi-currency loan .
8 I could n't summon up a double bass in the short time that I had this rig , which was a shame since , like Hughes & Kettner 's BassBase , the unit is flexible enough to accommodate the idiosyncrasies of the instrument , the primary reason for the onboard notch filter .
9 I met the promoter at a party and he was looking for an opening act and I said that I had this dance band which would be a perfect opener for Gary Glitter and he took us on .
10 I have n't taken into account the suggestion forms that I had this morning and some quiffs that I have n't had .
11 Now that I had this label — ‘ partially sighted ’ — and it was clear that my disability would become more acute , the teachers and girls at school found some semblance of the tolerance and understanding that they had previously lacked , and I slowly began to edge my way up the academic ladder .
12 ‘ When I got to my door I found that I had this cement cock in my pocket .
13 I told him that I had another shop in Westmead which has been approved by the Ministry of Environment and the RSPCA and that this one will be run in the same way .
14 Some people claimed that I had another job lined up but time has proved them wrong .
15 Some people claimed that I had another job lined up but time has proved them wrong .
16 I had to stop myself telling her that I had another party to go to on Christmas evening — just so I could stay home after everyone had left and stuff my face with leftovers .
17 I even took its number just to prove how professional I was , not that I had any idea how it could help .
18 Well I I I mean there i thinking back , I did n't think at that stage , I hope I 'm right about this , th that I had any idea that Geoffrey Howe was going to resign .
19 Not that I had any idea what his present salary was .
20 Without really still thinking that I had any chance of success , I went back down to the Circle Line and journeyed on to Liverpool Street .
21 No way could a person eat something like that — not that I had any intention of killing and consuming the poor creature , now that my eyes had been opened .
22 I was n't at all sure that I had any right to make the request that I proposed to make .
23 I can claim that I did , and that I never breached that trust , assuming that I had any information of a sufficiently intriguing character to make it worthwhile betraying a friend .
24 I should add that I had some entertainment on learning that not so long ago the local minister had run off with a young man .
25 I know that my hon. Friend will understand if I say that I had some difficulty in persuading everybody to come round a table when I was talking only to the parties in Northern Ireland .
26 He knew that I had some experience , but I think he was trying to make me relax and , perhaps , find out just how much I did or did n't know .
27 I say ‘ solitary c. ’ because they gave me a little ward of my own , but it was anything but uncomfortable , as they gave me a treatment which ‘ private ward ’ patients in Britain might envy , except that the food of course was Chinese , and they insisted on giving me 5 meals a day , so that I had some trouble getting my appetite back to normal .
28 The doctor arrived and after examining me pronounced that I had some sort of mystery virus , and there was nothing he could do for me .
29 To the late Dr Melville Clark , the Reader in Rhetoric , I owe the discovery that I had some talent for editing text .
30 They can thank whatever devils they happen to worship that I have much gentleness in my soul and am not given to vituperation or excessive polemic .
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