Example sentences of "that [pron] have [vb pp] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Writing of murder thus , in a thoroughly formal way , you can successfully establish two different things : that a murder has taken place and in consequence the story you are telling must be looked on as being of some weight , and that nothing has happened to arouse any revulsion in your readers .
2 The air raids and gas attacks that everyone had feared did not take place but Anne and Sarah agreed that it was the small inconveniences of war that were hardest to bear .
3 It 's only in the last few years that everyone has begun talking seriously about fibre in diet , although those who have always eaten a breakfast that includes all-bran have known for years about the virtues of fibre .
4 I started playing about with it and later felt a real satisfaction of doing something with that girl 's head of hair that no-one had wanted to touch .
5 Seems he got left behind at JFK Airport in New York , sitting by the baggage claim with his headphones on , and two hours later , still had n't realised that no-one had come to claim him .
6 The head of the team which carried out the research commented that " we 're amazed that no-one has thought to use carbonyl sulphide in this way before " .
7 All the people that I 've seen trying to do it have all my sympathy , because I know what they 've been going through .
8 does n't matter if I 'm not going to name any names but I mean I 've seen some people who it 's been suggested might stand two hoots of a flick of a finger whether someone of the sort that I 've seen mentioned , stood or not .
9 Most anglers that I 've seen seem to consider drifting as a one way only method .
10 most of the things that I 've done have been on Atlantic salmon and you put in Atlantic salmon and you get seven thousand eight hundred
11 I do n't know , and nobody that I 've asked knows , a single regular user of cocaine in the Derry area .
12 ‘ Well , there 's something about an aged guitar … the tone qualities … every older guitar that I 've played seems to have settled down .
13 The only difference between then and now is that I 've decided to apply to extend my contract with him , and work in Santa Barbara more . ’
14 It 's not something that I 've sought to examine .
15 And I know that 's what she 's planning to do — get me thrown out of the company that I 've helped to build , taken a reduced salary .
16 Well , I move rapidly from these dispiriting erm thoughts erm to say something about the third and last point , the question of memory , because even could the artist recreate , in the way that I 've tried to suggest , through an awareness of time , and through a , a rejection of the intellect , even if he could recreate in this way reality present to him in time , how is he to make contact with the past ?
17 This is the third time tonight that I 've come to look for you .
18 The sad part is that I 've come to hate my body so much , I blame it for everything , and now I ca n't let anyone get close to me , to reassure me . ’
19 And my second reason is that I 've come to doubt the futurologists , the people in the think tanks .
20 Mr Chairman could I ask a question because one of the things that I 've found missing this evening is specific things that people would like to see in this playhouse or perhaps specific things that we used to do and that find are missing and the last I have n't heard the word gallery mentioned from there much at all what do we think about the gallery ?
21 If it starts with a C sound we 'll try a C if it 's not one of those that I 've remembered starting with a K then it 's probably a C.
22 Cos it was due to sail on the same day , on the Sunday , you know what I mean and er it was these locks as I 'm telling you about and her a very , very famous firm and er my correspondence come from London because he had offices was there , you know and erm our erm I 've been at the service as I , if I might say so , but in most people it 's surprising how it get 's round and er the jobs that I 've had to do .
23 It 's it 's just the strains that I 've had to go through , raising her up , and the time and the energy and just having myself to be sane , you know and and well !
24 I ca n't do anything with him , yet this other kid 's absolutely brilliant , and I think it 's a shame that I 've had to leave , like let the temps .
25 ‘ Rosemary 's so uptight about anyone , in particular family , knowing about us that I 've had to keep her name a closely guarded secret .
26 And I said , you must realize I 've a small company , and that 's , in one respect that I 've had to send those conditions because you 're failing to meet the agreed thirty days payment !
27 The purpose of general management is to try and ensure that in the city that we are getting the best value we can from the health resources that are in the city , and I have the authority now , and the responsibility to spend the budget that I 've had allocated from the Oxfordshire Health Authority , by Gerald Simon who 's the general manager .
28 I suppose it 's just something that I 've learned to live with .
29 It 's only in recent years that I 've learned to use the weather forecast before contemplating a hill-walk .
30 ‘ Another thing is that I 've started trying to play real tunes , real melodies — straight from the heart , really trying to commit myself .
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