Example sentences of "that [pron] could [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 Only now , in love herself and with an inner knowledge that nothing could come of that love , could she fully appreciate what Travis was going through .
2 ‘ There was no reason that I could think of to tell you , and some reason not to . ’
3 There could be no answer to that , none that I could think of at the time .
4 All aspects of intersection control that I could think of , and even some aspects of urban and road design and management are included in a chapter on links between intersections .
5 Each time I chose the smallest flowers that I could find of each type — the larkspur flowers can range from this shape to nearly twice the size , so it will be worth while hunting through your collection of pressed items both to get some inspiration for your miniature and to determine your colour scheme .
6 Fabia opened her mouth to make some kind of sophisticated reply , but her heart was racing so much — nobody had even paid her such an extravagant compliment before , and yet made it sound true and sincere , and not extravagant at all — that she could think of nothing to say .
7 Well this is what she said ju just now , yeah well not just now , earlier on , she said about getting out there and I said well I 'm sure it 's that place she said well it 's the only one out there that she could think of .
8 When the subject of his father cropped up , which was not very often , Phil found that she could speak of him with true affection , keeping alive for the little boy his early memories of a loving father .
9 She had her bath , which seemed to help , washing away her sorrows as well as the accumulated scum of living in a house where , for a female , baths were difficult — she remembered Dr Neil standing in the outhouse in the yard , pouring water over himself , the water running beneath the short door — all that she could see of him being his head and his bare feet .
10 And before the children left they were given a carrier bag with all sorts of things that you could think of and to see the delight on those little children 's faces !
11 Secondly , it must be said that , from the very start , Christians strained ordinary human language in order to speak of the significance of Christ ; the term Christ was an inclusive term , such that one could speak of persons as being ‘ in Christ ’ .
12 Perhaps you would agree that one could say of him , that through commentaries and writing … your hand/Reshaped the history of the bat and ball .
13 ‘ We did everything that we could think of to get the name Balbirnie flying up there , ’ Brown says .
14 A Dry White Season is all that we could ask of a Hollywood movie about South Africa .
15 Innate within him was the ability to put committee members at their ease , so that they could give of their best , and he could abstract the maximum amount of information .
16 The Midland might have persevered with Crocker , but by then the bank had been so bruised by its American adventure that it could think of nothing but leaving .
17 It was simply that he could think of no other way of prolonging her absence from him indefinitely .
18 His head was so full of her that he could think of nothing else .
19 All that he could think of was to show her his work on the counter and the panelling , which was probably as good as anything that he 'd ever done .
20 For no reason that he could think of , the image of Nubenehem 's customer , the furtive man in the brothel , came back to him .
21 Zen was so astounded at finding Cinzia there on that particular evening that he could think of nothing whatever to say .
22 The President of the European Commission , Jacques Delors , speaking at the same conference , said more explicitly that he could conceive of a situation in which France 's nuclear umbrella could one day be extended to the entire EC under a common doctrine .
23 His moment came at a time when shoring up the old seemed all that mattered or all that anyone could think of .
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