Example sentences of "that [pron] will [be] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We hope that you will be bale to come and we look forward to meeting you then .
2 Of course we have the additional complication that the over- large government bureaucracy 's at present run by a political party which seems to have given up thinking about anything much other than staying in power and I know and hope that you will be part of thinking about much more than that , but still even with a large union , you could regulate concentrate on stimulating the grass roots and then on building upwards .
3 Behind that there 'll be presentation logic which defines the way that the screen behaves based on user input .
4 I think that there 'll be chaos in the transport system .
5 Or that there 'll be wine in heaven ?
6 Er that is very welcome , and also that there will be help at the weekends because as I 've often reported before , that 's often when things escalate at weekends for some unknown reason .
7 But we 've also been told this year , that there will be year four , beyond this slide , where the same thing could happen again .
8 We hope that there will be peace soon so that we can do still more effective work .
9 It will give people choice in the sense that there will be competition between companies in quality of service . ’
10 Her theory is that the more that control is personalised , the more likely it is that there will be friction between management and the workforce , but that continuous-process plants , because they are so highly automated , have unified impersonal control systems which minimise conflict and lead to more satisfying working conditions .
11 Following that there will be work on specifications and agreements for non-residential services , including how to contract with informal carers ; training on negotiation with service providers ; and building up our monitoring and quality assurance systems .
12 This means that there will be brain systems present in both rats and humans that can be just as easily studied in the former as in the latter .
13 The hon. Member for Neath ( Mr. Hain ) said that there will be chaos when everyone appeals .
14 When each main idea has been sufficiently tested and sufficient knowledge has been gained , the chief executive goes public and announces the decision secure in the knowledge that there will be support for it , because the decision merely ‘ crystallizes ’ the views already put to him , whether he subtly induced them or not .
15 Does not the right hon. Gentleman realise that there will be outrage tonight in my constituency and in that of my hon. Friend the Member for Falkirk , East ( Mr. Ewing ) at his betrayal of the trust that has been placed in that hospital by the people in its care ?
16 Lewis denies that there will be conflict with the other Unix systems it offers .
17 Fortunately the weather is mild and spring has set in which means that there will be prey about — young mammals and so on .
18 There is anxiety that there will be rationalisation and that some colleges and available classes in rural areas will cease to exist .
19 There is no doubt that there will be teething problems and that some things will be thrown back at the International Board .
20 If societies ‘ need ’ crime then it is logical to assume that they will ensure that there will be crime .
21 This means that there will be time to fast after the death of Jesus in the sense that it will be , for a short while , a time of great sorrow .
22 If , on the other hand , you want to make it more likely that there will be agreement to your idea then the next behaviour is a safer bet .
23 Any simplification can also be justified by the fact that there will be progression in the National Curriculum course .
24 Whether or not schools as we know them will exist in the future is uncertain but we can be sure that there will be information and that its importance will grow in social and economic terms .
25 For , it is obvious from the arson attack that there will be trouble is the travellers are not moved immediately to reduce the tension .
26 Erm if the if office jobs are appropriate then they 'll be provided or we 'll seek to provide them , erm some jobs will be industrial jobs and no doubt that there will be office jobs .
27 Check before you buy that there will be room for the drawers to open .
28 That 's one of the things , I think , that the Roman Catholics who hanker after the old Latin Mass and its ritual miss the most , and I sympathize with them in the sense that there is n't a great deal of mystery about most of the worship in most of our churches any more , and whilst it 's very right and proper for us to be very busy on practical matters , we must n't forget that there are very mysterious questions about our purpose here , about death and life , which are n't answered simply by doing things and being very busy — in fact , that may be a form of escapism — we need both , and I would hope that there will be room again in Christianity in Europe for worship to become something which speaks to the things I find mysterious , and in that respect I think the interest in spirituality and religious experience , in mysticism , in all those sort of areas about one 's personal religious life , and a lot of it not very orthodox or traditional .
29 The Minister has said that there will be appraisal tests for the rail linkages in and out of it and their viability in return on capital , and so forth .
30 ‘ I have a premonition ’ , Daniel continued , ‘ that it may be terrible , that there will be danger and degradation . …
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